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Live Like There's No Tomorrow (Summer Lake Book 12) Read online

Page 20

  Gabe smiled around at everyone. “I don’t think anyone will mind, will you?”

  “I don’t think anyone will mind at all, and I imagine quite a few of us will want to come with you,” said Dan. “I know Missy would kill me if I didn’t let her know what’s going on.”

  Michael looked around at everyone; he seemed to be in shock.

  “What’s up?” asked Pete. “I thought you’d be cool, calm, and collected; you’re the doctor after all.”

  “I’ll ask you how cool, calm, and collected you are when it’s your turn,” said Michael with a grin. “I might be a doctor, but I’m about to become a daddy again.”

  “And we’d better hurry up if you want to be there when it happens,” said Gabe. “Let’s go.”

  “You know where to find us if anyone wants to come,” called Michael over his shoulder as Gabe led him out.

  “I said this might become a tradition,” said Dan with a grin. “I need to go crash Renée’s bachelorette party. I can’t get Missy to answer her phone, and I know she’ll want to be there for Michael and Megan.”

  Ben smiled. It seemed none of his friends ever had a stag night without meeting up with their girls.

  Chase was already standing by the door. “I’m going to have to take Kenzie over to the hospital, does anyone else want to come?”

  The others all looked at each other. “It sounds as though we all need to go,” said Pete with a grin.


  Charlotte made her way up the stairs to the function room above the Boathouse. It was weird to come in here and not see any familiar faces. She couldn’t remember a time she’d ever come in and not seen Ben here. He was over at Giuseppe’s with all the guys, and she was here to meet up with all the girls. She’d spoken to Missy this afternoon who had offered to meet up with her so they could come over together, but Charlotte had wanted to come by herself. She didn’t need anyone to hold her hand. It seemed important that she should establish herself here in her own right.

  She looked around when she reached the top of the stairs. She knew many of the girls, but there were a lot of new faces, too. She spotted Holly and Laura standing by the bar and made her way over to them.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” said Laura with a smile. “I’m glad we finally get to socialize. I feel like I’m behind with you. I missed out on your big return and we’ve only had chance to talk shop so far. What are you drinking?”

  “I’ll take a Margarita, thanks. It’s good to see you, too. I’ll be honest, I felt a little weird coming tonight.”

  “And just why would you ever feel weird here? You’re Summer Lake royalty.” Kenzie appeared at her side.

  Charlotte smiled, she liked Kenzie. “Why, thank you. Though I can’t say I’ve ever thought of myself that way. More like the black sheep.”

  Kenzie grinned. “Come on, you’re one of the original gang. There’s all this myth and legend surrounding you, and let’s face it, when it comes to being royalty, the accent doesn’t hurt.”

  Laura laughed. “I must admit I love your accent. You make me feel like I have a little bit of London here at home.”

  “I’m just glad I’m here and not in London anymore.”

  “Me too,” said Kenzie. “And if you ask me, you got here just in time.” She jerked her head to where Angel was standing talking to Renée.

  Charlotte sighed. “I think we all need to give her a break. It’s not her fault she fell for the wrong guy at the wrong time.” She looked around at them. “I’m sure we’ve all done that at some point in our lives.”

  Holly nodded. “I know I have. She does seem nice.”

  Laura looked at Charlotte. “Well, if you don’t mind me saying so, I feel a bit sorry for her.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” said Charlotte. “That’s what I’m saying myself.”

  Kenzie rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me I have to be nice to her?”

  Charlotte laughed. “You don’t have to be, but I’m going to be.” She picked up her drink off the bar. “In fact, I’m going to go and say hello.”

  Angel shot her a wary look as she approached. Renée smiled and then waved at someone over the other side of the room. She made her excuses and left Angel standing alone.

  Charlotte smiled when she reached her.


  “Hey. I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I’m glad you are too.” Angel glanced around.

  “I know,” said Charlotte with a wry smile. “I think all eyes are on us right now.”

  Angel nodded. “And they’re all waiting to see if you need them to rescue you or to help you run me out of town.”

  “In that case …” Charlotte leaned in and gave her a hug. “That should tell them all they need to know.”

  Angel hugged her back and spoke next to her ear. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Charlotte let her go and stood back with a smile. She glanced around and saw several surprised faces. She caught Missy’s eye who nodded approvingly. “I don’t want things to be difficult between us, but more importantly I don’t want things to be difficult for you here.”

  “Thanks. I’ve been thinking about leaving.”

  “I hope you don’t.”

  “I just think it would be better.”

  “Better how? I think that now everyone knows Ben and I are back together they’ll stop giving you a hard time.”

  Angel nodded. “Perhaps, but perhaps it’s better if I don’t work with Ben anymore.”

  Charlotte stared at her, wondering what she meant.

  “Don’t worry, all I’m saying is that I do like him. I respect what the two of you have, but it’s hard for me. I think he could work with me no problem. He has you now. I’m just not so sure I can work with him. I still don’t have anyone.”

  “Were you looking for someone? Do you mind if I ask what your story is? Ben told me that you’d been through a hard time and that the two of you had been able to talk to each other.”

  Angel nodded. “Before I came here I got stood up at the altar. Well, he almost made it to the altar. He probably would have if he hadn’t stopped to screw one of my bridesmaids in the back of the church.”

  “Damn! I’m sorry.”

  Angel shrugged. “It was better that I found out before we got married. But it still hurt like hell. I still feel like such a fool.” She gave Charlotte a sad smile. “And now I feel like a fool again. I thought Ben was wonderful, I thought he might be perfect for me. I mean, he’s such a great guy. I just didn’t realize what he and everyone else already knew, which is that he’s perfect for you.”

  “Part of me wants to say I’m sorry,” said Charlotte. “I am sorry for you and for the way things have worked out for you, but I can’t ever be sorry that Ben and I are together.”

  “I understand that.”

  “Maybe we can find you your own Ben?”

  Angel smiled. “I think I need to take a break from even thinking about being with any guy. I really do feel stupid, and I’m not sure it won’t be too awkward for me to stay here.”

  Charlotte nodded. “You have to do what is right for you.”

  “Well, I didn’t expect to see the two of you hanging out and chatting away like this,” said Missy as she joined them.

  “You know full well that I didn’t,” said Charlotte.

  “That makes three of us,” added Angel with a smile. “I’ll leave you two to it.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “Don’t go. You should come over to the bar and hang with us.”

  Angel looked over to where Kenzie was still standing with Laura and Holly. Laura and Holly had the good grace to try to look as though they hadn’t been watching. Kenzie simply glared at Angel.

  “I’m not sure I’d be welcome,” said Angel.

  Missy put her hands on her hips. “We’ll see about that,” she said with a grim smile. “Kenzie might just need reminding how she felt when she was new around here. She needs to show you the same kind of welcome everyone showed her.

  “It’s okay. I understand. She’s close to Ben. She’s just protective of him.”

  Missy linked her arm through Angel’s and started leading her toward the bar. “We’re all close to Ben. And he’d hate for her to treat you like that on his account.”

  Charlotte smiled to herself as she followed them. Missy was right, and it was time to welcome Angel as one of them into the gang.

  Kenzie pulled her phone out of her pocket just as they reached them. She answered it and covered her ear with her hand.

  “What? … I can’t hear you … She’s what? … Oh my God! … Where are you? … Okay.” She hung up and looked around at them wide-eyed. “Megan’s on her way to the hospital, her waters broke.”

  Missy grinned. “That’s awesome. Two babies in one week!”

  “Chase is coming to get me. I need to get over there. He said all the guys are coming.” She grinned. “I’m going to go outside to meet him. Next time I see you, I’ll be an auntie.”

  Charlotte closed her eyes for a moment. She was happy for them; Michael was one of her oldest friends and Megan was a sweetie. But, like Missy had said, two babies in one week. She hoped that Ben was on his way with the other guys. If they were going to be there for their friends again, she wanted them to face it together.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was ten past one in the morning when William Morgan came into the world. Ben and Charlotte were sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by so many of their friends. He squeezed her hand when the nurse came out to tell them that mother and baby were doing well. He smiled to himself, thinking of little Ethan. He knew the kid would be thrilled to have a little brother, he’d been dreading a sister.

  Charlotte looked into his eyes with a sad smile.

  “Do you want to go home?”

  She shook her head. “We came, we’ve waited this long. We need to go in and see them, but then, yes, I’d like to go home. As long as you’re coming with me.”

  “You know I am.” He got to his feet, knowing that Kenzie and Gabe would want to go in with Doc and Lizzie, but hoping that he and Charlotte could get in before some of the others.

  Missy caught his eye and raised an eyebrow. As always, she was looking out for him. Once the family had gone in, she got to her feet. “I think we should form an orderly line,” she said with a grin. “Some of us are okay to hang out all night and wait our turn, but I know some of you want to get home. If we’re allowed to go in twos, I say Ben and Charlie should go first.”

  Everyone murmured their agreement, and Ben shot Missy a grateful look. Charlotte smiled at him. “What would we do without her?”

  Ben shook his head. He had no idea. When Kenzie, Gabe, and Renée came out, Doc Morgan ushered them in. Michael beamed at them. “He might have come early, but he was an easy delivery.”

  Megan laughed. “Speak for yourself, Dr. Morgan. I’m the one who did all the hard work.” Ben and Charlotte laughed with her as they peeped at the baby.

  Charlotte’s hand came up to cover her mouth as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Are you okay?” asked Megan.

  Charlotte nodded. “Sorry, yes I am. He’s just so beautiful, Megan; he’s a little miracle.”

  Ben had to blink away tears of his own. “Congratulations guys,” was all he could manage to say. Michael grasped his shoulder as he made for the door. “Thanks for being here, it means the world and I know it can’t be easy for you.”

  Ben smiled at him and took hold of Charlotte’s hand as they made their way out. He walked straight past the waiting room where the others were still sitting. He raised his hand at Pete who gave him a curious look. “Goodnight, guys,” he called as they hurried down the corridor and out into the cool night air. Once they were in the parking lot, he stopped and hugged Charlie to his chest. They didn’t speak; they didn’t need to. They just stood that way for a long time, clinging to each other and to what might have been.

  Eventually Charlotte lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “That could have been us, Ben.”

  Ben closed his eyes. He’d been thinking the same thing. He shook his head sadly.

  “It still could be. I hope it will be, one day.”

  Ben opened his eyes and looked deep into hers. What he saw there surprised him. He saw a deep longing he’d never thought she would feel. “You do?”

  She nodded. “I do. I’ll never forget, I’ll always love the little one we lost, but I hope that someday we’ll be able to try again. I used to say back then that we’d be great parents in our thirties. We’re in our thirties now, Ben.”

  He drew in a deep breath. “We are. It’s a lot to take in. I feel as though we’re facing our loss again all these years later, we had to do that before we could come back together. It sure as hell isn’t made any easier by watching our friends bring their little ones into the world. And now we get to think about whether we want to, whether we can try again ourselves.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have bought it up now. I just … Seeing first Emma and now Megan with their little ones, it makes me want what I’ve always wanted.”

  “I want it too, but this time I want us to do things in the right order. I want us to get married and find a house and then start our family.”

  Her eyes shone as she looked up at him. “That’s what I want, Ben. I think we’ve proved to each other that this is it now. We’re back together. We’re meant to be together. Now we just need to get on with our life.”

  “You’re right, well almost, there is one thing we need to deal with before we can make our new start.”

  “What’s that?” She looked worried.

  “Our parents.”

  Charlotte’s eyes widened. “It’s nothing to do with them. It’s none of their business.”

  “Part of me feels that way too, but it is their business. They are our business. They’re our family and we need to make things right.”

  “You’re right, but honestly I don’t even want to think about that tonight. Can we just go home and we’ll figure it out tomorrow?”

  “Gladly. I don’t want to face it either, but you know we have to.”


  The next morning Charlotte took her coffee to sit out on the deck while Ben was in the shower. She’d only been back a few weeks, and yet so much had happened. She and Ben were back together, planning a new future. That was the most important thing that had happened. They’d helped both Emma and Megan welcome their new babies into the world, and in doing so had finally been able to grieve together. She’d made a start on her new career, and Ben had started living his career in a new way. She smiled. She was still amazed at how much time he was spending with her. It wasn’t as though he was neglecting the resort, he still put in a huge amount of work, but he was ready to walk away at the end of the day, and ready to stay away with her when they wanted to. This morning was one of those times. She knew most of the gang would be at the Boathouse for breakfast this morning. They’d want to talk about the new baby, and maybe even set up a time for a redo of Gabe and Renée’s bachelorette parties. She didn’t feel any need to join them, and she knew Ben didn’t either.

  She knew he wanted to talk about their parents. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to that, but she knew it had to be done. He was right; they were family. And if she and Ben were finally going to become family, they’d have to make their peace with those around them.

  She looked up with a smile as Ben came out to join her. She ran her gaze over him, he was such a good-looking guy.

  He smiled. “When you look at me like that I get the feeling we’re not going to get much talking done.”

  She laughed. “I’d much rather do other things than talk, especially when you look like that, but I’ll be good.”

  “I’ve been thinking—”

  “Uh-oh, that sounds ominous.”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ve been thinking good things. You always said you wanted to live in a house down by the water.” He looked aro
und. “This place is nice, but I don’t think it’s really what you had in mind, is it?”

  “No, but it’ll do for now. I do like it.”

  “I meant what I said last night, Charlie. I think it’s time for us to get on with our life. If you agree, if you’re ready, I’d like us to start looking for a place of our own.”

  She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. “You know I’d like. More than like, I’d love that. What are you thinking? Where are you thinking?”

  He shrugged. “I haven’t gotten that far yet. I thought we should decide together. Explore what’s out there.”

  “Well, I can live anywhere. I’ll be tootling all around the area visiting clients, so it doesn’t make much difference to me. But you need to be close to the resort.”

  He smiled. “Not necessarily.”

  She laughed. “Come on! You know you do. No matter how much time you’re spending at home with me now, we both know that will wear off. And even if it doesn’t, I don’t want you having to drive a long way every time you get a call to come in and solve a problem.”

  He nodded. “I just don’t want to tie us to the area around the resort. There’s not much up for sale down there. And there are a lot of great spots farther out.”

  “Let me go grab my laptop, and we can see what kind of listings there are.”

  “I think we should search the whole area to start with. We don’t want to focus in around the resort just yet.”

  Charlotte went inside to get her laptop. She couldn’t wipe the big silly grin off her face. This was it! They really were making a start on their life together. When she came back and sat down beside him, Ben looked serious. “What is it?” she asked. “You haven’t changed your mind already, have you?”

  “No, silly.” He reached out and touched her cheek with a smile. “I guess I’m just being dutiful Ben. I’m thinking about our parents. I think we should call them.”

  “What, now? And tell them what?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, now. We need to tell them that we’re back together. We’ll probably have to deal with my folks coming back here, which I imagine will be nice for you, but not so much for me. And I don’t want to hide from your parents. They obviously didn’t want us to be together, for some reason. I think I’ve managed to forgive them for what they did. I don’t understand it, but I choose to believe that they had their reasons and thought they were doing the right thing for you. But they may still not want us to be together, and they’re just going to have to deal with the fact that we are. I’d like their blessing; I doubt we’ll get it, but I refuse to hide from them.”