Live Like There's No Tomorrow (Summer Lake Book 12) Read online
Page 19
“I’d love that, Charlie. I really would. I didn’t want to ask, or at least not to push you too hard. I know you’re building up a clientele, and by the looks of it you’re going to get very busy very quickly. I didn’t want you to feel that I wanted all your focus to be on me and the resort. I know you, you need to be your own person. You need to be independent and have something all yours. I get that. But, if you want to help build the resort, if you want to devise a marketing strategy that will help us grow, then I’m all for it.”
She smiled. “I think we should do what we said and set up an appointment. I’m not sure how we’ll separate our business relationship from our relationship, but I do think we should try. I want to come in on my own merit, not as your girlfriend.”
Ben nodded. “That sounds good to me. I’ll check the schedule when I get to the office and see if we can set up a time.”
She grinned at him. “I think you should drink your coffee and get to work. Especially since you’re not going to be there tonight either.”
“Yeah, do you want me to call Renée and …” He stopped himself mid-sentence. He already knew the answer to that one. She’d figure it out for herself and wouldn’t thank him for interfering.
She smiled. “I appreciate the offer, you know I do. But we both know I don’t work that way. And I’m glad you stopped yourself from offering.”
He laughed. “I can’t help wanting to smooth things out for you, but I do know how you are and that’s part of what I love about you. I’m going to get going. I’ll see you later.”
When Ben had gone Charlotte decided she was going to go to the bakery. She wasn’t sure whether Renée would be working today, but bumping into her there felt more comfortable than calling her to ask whether she was invited tonight. Even if Renée wasn’t working, April probably would be, and Charlotte still hadn’t managed to catch up with her, despite her living next door. There hadn’t been the right time to just stop by and say hello. Whichever one of them was there, it would be a good thing. And, she smiled to herself, she could always pick up some pastries.
She pulled up across the street from the bakery. It looked like they were busy in there. She recognized a tall dark figure in a cowboy hat. It made sense that Chance would visit. She knew that he was the one who’d brought April here from Montana, and Chance and Renée went way back. Chloe was Renée’s sister. She wondered whether she should wait out here until the customers had all left, but she thought better of it. It’d be nice to see Chance again, and besides, she may be many things, but she wasn’t a coward.
“Hey, Charlie! How are you?” called Renée with a big grin. “I can’t believe we haven’t had chance to catch up yet.”
Charlie smiled. “I’m doing great, thanks. I’m sure we’ll get around to it.” She didn’t want to say much more considering she and Renée were talking over a line of customers.
April waved and gave her a cheery smile and Chance turned to smile at her too. Once he’d paid April, he picked up his bag and came to join Charlotte at the end of the line. “How’s it going, honey? Are you two back on track?”
She smiled and nodded at him gratefully. “We are thanks, Chance. And thanks for your advice the other day. You were right. He knows his own mind and it seems he wasn’t too keen on me trying to decide what was best for him.”
Chance let out a little chuckle. “Who would be? Think about it. How would you have felt if the tables were turned?”
Charlotte did think about it, then she looked up at Chance. “Damn! It’s so obvious when you put it like that. I would have hated it if he’d done that to me. And now I think about it, I can see how it would feel like I was trying to palm him off on her. Thanks again, for stopping me before I pushed it too far.”
Chance nodded. “I’m glad I could help. I always wanted to see the two of you back together.”
“So did I,” said Renée.
Charlotte looked up. She’d reached the head of the line and all the other customers had been served and left while she and Chance were talking. “Thanks,” she said with a smile, wondering how she could now ask whether Renée hadn’t invited her to the party tonight because of Angel.
April smiled at her. “Me too. I’ve been hoping and hoping for you since Vegas.”
“You did more than hope from what I heard,” said Chance.
April shrugged and smiled. “You know, right up until you came back, I still felt a little bit guilty about interfering. But after everything you told me that night, I knew you and Ben just needed a chance to talk again.”
Charlotte nodded. “And I shall be forever grateful to you. I don’t like to think how things would have turned out if I’d left that morning without ever seeing him.”
“So, are you going to be the next set of wedding bells we hear?” asked Renée.
“I don’t know. We haven’t gotten that far yet.”
“Yeah, but it’s only a case of when, not if, isn’t it?” asked Chance.
Charlotte nodded. “I hope so, but I’m not going to tempt fate by saying yes. If life has taught me anything, it’s that there are no guarantees.”
Renée gave her a knowing smile. “I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t think there are any doubts this time.”
“All I’m going to say is that I hope so,” said Charlotte with a smile. “I will tell you that for a while there I had huge doubts. I wasn’t so sure that we would end up together. In fact, I thought he was going to end up with someone else.”
Renée raised an eyebrow. “Angel?”
Charlotte nodded and smiled at Chance. “This fella helped me out with that. In fact, I felt pretty dumb about it after we talked.”
“I can see why you had your doubts,” said Renée.
That surprised Charlotte. She hadn’t expected Renée to agree.
“Sorry.” Renée gave her an apologetic smile. “I don’t know how this sounds, but for a while there I thought he and Angel might get together.”
Chance turned a hard stare on her. “What the hell made you think that? I’ve known Ben his whole life and it never even crossed my mind that he could ever want anyone other than Charlotte.”
“Sorry. I don’t mean to be … I don’t know what. I don’t mean to upset you, Charlie. It’s just that Angel seems like such a good fit for him.”
April shook her head. “Yeah, but just because two people are similar doesn’t mean they would be good together, does it? I mean, just look at Missy and Dan, or me and Eddie for that matter. There’s proof that opposites attract when it comes to relationships. I can see Ben and Angel being friends, working well together,” she smiled at Charlotte. “But nothing else.”
Charlotte smiled back at her. “Thanks, April. I think Ben and I definitely fit into the opposites attract category.” She turned to Renée. “And don’t worry, I know where you’re coming from. I felt the same way, that perhaps he’d be better off with her.”
Renée shook her head. “It’s not that he’d be better off with her. I didn’t mean that. I just wanted to see him happy and I didn’t know if you’d ever come back.”
Charlotte nodded. “It’s okay, I’m not upset or offended or anything.”
“Good,” said Renée. “I’d hate to think I had upset you.”
“Honestly, I’d hate to think that I’d upset or offended you, too. I wanted to ask you if I’d be welcome tonight. Everyone seemed to think I should be going, but I haven’t been invited. And someone suggested that I might not be, since Angel’s going.”
Renée’s eyes widened. “Oh my goodness! Of course you’re invited! I haven’t seen you to ask you personally, but I just assumed you’d know you’re included. Of course you are.”
Charlotte smiled, feeling a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry, this all feels a little bit like high school. It’s not a case of I’m not coming if she is. I just thought that knowing you, you’d want to include and take care of her, and I didn’t want to barge in and spoil that.”
r /> “Yes, I have been trying to include her in things. I don’t like to see her left out in the cold. But my goodness, Charlie! There’s no way I’d leave you out.”
Chance smiled at them. “Okay, then. I’m glad we sorted out that little misunderstanding, ladies. Why do women make everything so complicated?”
Charlotte laughed. “I don’t know it’s just a talent, it seems to come naturally.”
“Well, it’s a talent you might want to keep in check.”
“I’m trying,” said Charlotte with a smile. “In fact, I’m quite proud of myself for coming over here to ask.”
“I’m proud of you, too,” said Renée. “It would have been awful, if you’d just assumed you weren’t invited and had stayed home.”
“Yeah,” said Chance with a smile. “Our Charlie may be complicated, but she’s never been one to just sit home.”
Charlotte gave him a puzzled look. “I’m going to take that as a compliment, even though I’m not sure it was intended as one.”
Chance grinned at her. “It was. Don’t worry. I just mean you’re more likely to take life by the horns than to sit and let it pass you by. Anyway, I need to get going. He held up his bag of goodies. I’m off to see my dad.”
“Say hi for me,” said Charlotte. “I’ll have to get over and see him soon.”
“He’d like that. You ladies have a good time tonight. I’ll see you around.”
Chapter Twenty
Ben smiled to himself as he looked around at Giuseppe’s. It was weird to see all the guys out without the ladies. It felt weird to him to be out without Charlotte. She’d only been back a couple of weeks, but he felt like he was missing a part of himself when she wasn’t by his side. He was surprised to see Jack standing in a corner. He made his way over to him. “I thought you weren’t coming.”
Jack scowled. “So did I. I wouldn’t be here if it were up to me. My mom wanted to come over and hang out with Emma. They pretty much kicked me out of the house.”
Ben tried to hide his smile. He could imagine Emma wanting to get him out of the way for a little while. He was a great guy, but his tendency to want to take care of every detail could get to be a little much sometimes. And with a new baby at home, this might be one of those times. “You know what women are like,” he tried to sound sympathetic. “They like to have a little time to themselves. You should make the most of it, enjoy yourself while you’re here.”
Jack’s face relaxed a little and he smiled. “I know, you’re right. Even I know I’ve probably been a bit much since we brought Isabel home. Anyway, how about you? What’s going on in your world?”
“I’m doing great, thanks.”
“I’m glad. I used to worry about you, you know. I didn’t know you when you and Charlie were together. To me she’s only ever been a name, the girl who broke your heart. I didn’t think she was ever coming back and I didn’t think you were ever going to be happy. I’m glad things are finally working out for you.” His smile faded a little. “It must have been hard for you two to come to the hospital.”
Ben nodded. “It was, but we were both glad we came. It was such an important day in your lives and we wanted to be a part of that. Plus, I think in some ways it helped us. You don’t ever get over that loss, you know, but being there for you helped us move through it somehow.”
Jack nodded. “I’m not sure I understand that, but I hope it did help and not hurt.”
Pete appeared out of the crowd and grasped Jack’s shoulder. “Cheer up, daddy! You’re supposed to be out here to enjoy yourself, not standing in a corner moping with Ben.”
Ben shook his head at him. “We’re not moping. We’re having a meaningful conversation, if you don’t mind.”
“I do mind. This isn’t the time for deep and meaningful; it’s time to party and have fun.”
Jack smiled. “I guess.”
Pete gestured to the long table where most of the guys were sitting. “Shall we join them?”
“Okay, but I’m not staying for the whole evening,” said Jack. “I want to get home and make sure that Emma and Isabel are doing okay.”
Pete laughed. “I hate to break it to you, partner, but I promised Em and your mom that I’d keep you out as long as possible.” Pete grinned over his shoulder at Ben as he led Jack away.
Ben started to follow them, but stopped when he saw Chance come in. He waved and made his way over. “It’s good to see you. I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it tonight.”
Chance grinned. “Neither was I. You know this isn’t really my thing, but it’s Gabe. I couldn’t stay away. And I do seem to be getting a bit more social in my old age.”
“I had noticed. It seems as though everyone’s seen you around since you’ve been here. Everyone except me, that is.”
“I figured you’d have enough on your plate, what with Charlie being back and everything.”
Ben grinned. “Yeah, I have been spending most of my time with her.”
“I know, you haven’t even been in the restaurant whenever I’ve stopped in.”
Ben shrugged. “People have told me for years that I shouldn’t work so much. Now I finally have a reason to listen.”
“I’m happy for you. Like I told you, where there’s life there’s hope.”
“Thanks, bud. In some ways it’s still hard to believe that she’s here, but at the same time, I don’t want to question it. I just want to make the most of every moment. We’ll never make up for all the time we lost, but we sure as hell can have fun trying.”
“Hey, you two, thanks for coming.” Gabe appeared at Chance’s side.
“I’m glad I could be here,” said Chance with a smile. “I’ve just seen all my friends up in Montana get married; now it seems I need to spend some time here to watch all of you guys do the same.”
Gabe looked at Ben. “Have you got some news of your own?”
Ben smiled. “Not yet.”
“But I’m sure it won’t be long until you do,” said Chance. “It’s not like you and Charlie have anything left to figure out, is it? You’re meant to be, you finally made it past all your troubles. It strikes me that all you have to do now is get on with the rest of your lives. And I’m guessing that starts with getting married, right?”
Ben nodded. “I hope so. I’ve spent all these years waiting and hoping, but now she’s here I’m kind of holding back. It feels like something needs to happen. Don’t ask me what, because I don’t know. It just feels like something has to click into place before we really can step into our future.”
Chance gave him a puzzled look. “I thought the only thing that needs to click into place is that you need to ask her to marry you.”
Gabe grinned. “I thought all I had to do was ask Renée to marry me, but it still took a long time for her to be free to do so.”
“It’s not that,” said Ben. “Charlie got her divorce through before she even came back here. I don’t know, I just still feel as though there’s some door we need to close on the past and another one we need to open so we can step through it and into our future.”
Chance pursed his lips. “Did you ever sort things out with her folks, or yours?”
Ben shook his head slowly as his heart sank. Why hadn’t that even occurred to him? They’d talked a little about Charlotte’s parents when she first came back, but that was all. He hadn’t even called his parents to let them know she was here.
Chance held his gaze. “It’s not like you need their permission or anything. But I do think you have to come to terms with what her parents did, and at least find some kind of peace with yours.”
Ben sighed. “You’re probably right, but I don’t want to think about that tonight.” He smiled at Gabe. “Tonight is about helping you celebrate.”
Gabe smiled. “So, come on over and join everyone.”
“Hey, bud, how’s it going?” asked Smoke when Ben sat down next to him. “I haven’t had chance to check in with you this week. Between Laura coming home and the flight sc
hool I’ve been busy.”
“Everything’s going well with me, thanks.”
“With you and Charlotte?”
Ben nodded with a smile.
“And what about Angel?”
“What about her?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
Smoke nodded. “You made your decision then?”
“There was never a decision to make. Charlie’s the one for me. She always has been.”
“No matter how good Angel felt in your arms when she kissed you?”
Ben sucked in a deep breath. He’d been trying to put that as far from his mind as possible. “I don’t know what to say about that, Smoke. I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe in another lifetime Angel and I might have worked, but not in this one.”
“Hey,” Smoke held up a hand. “I told you plenty of times, I don’t need the answers. I’m just trying to help you ask the right questions.”
“I know, thanks. All I can tell you is I have all the answers I need. I’m back with Charlie, we love each other, and we’re building our future.”
“Good. Then I’m happy for you. Whoa …” Smoke jumped up as beer spilled all over him.
“Sorry!” Michael looked panic stricken. He’d spilled his beer as he jumped to his feet.
“What’s the matter?” asked Ben.
Michael stared at him for a moment before he answered. “I’ve got to go. That was Meggie. I’ve got to get home to her. Her waters just broke.”
Gabe appeared at his side. “That’s awesome. I’ll drive you. You look too shaken up to drive yourself.”
Michael stared at him. “You can’t, this is your party.”