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Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) Page 13

  I'll come find you. I'll need to SEE you before we can go anywhere!

  He stared at the screen a few more seconds as Pete came sauntering into the bar and pulled up a stool beside him.

  “S'up partner. How's it going?”

  Smoke grinned. “Just great. How was your day, dear?”

  Pete laughed. “You're not going to let me off the hook for saying I don't want to lose you, right?”

  Smoke laughed. “Too right. It gave me the warm and fuzzies to know how much you love me.”

  Pete rolled his eyes. “Well it's true! I need you. I can't live my life without you.”

  Smoke's phone beeped.

  Can't wait to SEE you too xx

  He laughed and put it back in his pocket.

  Pete was smirking at him. “It's not like you to give 'em your number.”

  Smoke scowled at him. “What makes you think that was a woman?”

  Pete laughed. “The goofy grin! Though I must admit I'm more used to seeing it on Jack's face than yours. In fact.... Who the hell was that? I've never seen that look on your face, Hamilton! What's going on?”

  Smoke shrugged. “Nothing.”

  Pete's lips quirked up in that weird little smile of his. Damn! He wasn't going to let it go. “It was Laura, wasn't it?”

  Smoke shrugged again.

  “Man! We're dropping like flies since we started to moving to Summer Lake! Jack and Em, me and Holly, Dan and Missy. And now you? I never thought I'd see the day that Captain Cole Hamilton got over his shit and fell for a woman again.”

  Smoke scowled at him. There was no point denying it, but he wasn't sure he wanted to talk about it either. “I think I am falling for a woman, Pete. But I'm a long way from being over my shit.”

  Pete nodded. “Well if the woman you're falling for is Laura, you'd better get over it in a hurry. I've heard Jack go on about her for years, and I'll tell you two things. First, she's as much of a flight risk as you are—and I don't say that lightly. Second, Jack sees her as his little sister, and you know what he's like.”

  Smoke nodded. “I've already talked to Jack.”

  Pete looked taken aback. “Damn. You must have it bad.”

  “I do.” He was puzzled though, he had to ask what Pete knew, to call her a flight risk. “What do you know of her story?”

  “Only what Jack's said over the last couple of years.”

  Smoke raised his eyebrows, waiting for more.

  “Don't you think you should be asking her?”

  “Yeah, I do. But unfortunately I'm having dinner with you, not her. So tell me what you know.”

  “You might want to work on your charm and persuasion skills?”

  “I've got charm and persuasion down to a fine art. I just know I don't need 'em on you, Hemming. I already know you don't want to lose me, so you'll give me what I want, however I ask for it!”

  “Wow! I'm glad I'm not a woman,” said Pete with a laugh. “I think they'd either be slapping your face or dropping their panties at that one.”

  Smoke smiled though pursed lips. “It's usually the latter, but that's beside the point. Get back on track and tell me what you know about Laura.”

  “She needed to get out of Texas a few years back, and Jack set her up in San Francisco. She was making her jewelry already. She's done pretty well for herself, opened a store, is building quite a reputation as one of the names to go to when the money crowd want something special made.”

  Smoke nodded. “I know that much. None of it makes her a flight risk, though. What else?”

  Pete shrugged. “She was engaged to a guy in San Francisco. Nice guy. I met him a couple of times.”

  Smoke hated the way his heart pounded in his chest at the thought of her with another guy. He needed to think of him as an asshole, not a nice guy. Besides, he must be an asshole if he'd let Laura get away.

  “For fuck's sake, Smoke! I said she was engaged. She's not anymore, so can you drop the murderous look?”

  Smoke ran a hand over his eyes. “Sorry. Go on.”

  “Like I say, he is a nice guy. It was a big shock when she called it off. His family is old money, their engagement had made the society pages. You of all people know how that goes, right? She went into hiding for a while. Jack went and spent some time with her. Apparently she cracked under the pressure, the expectations. The guy, Dale, wanted her home, there for him. He's a rising star in city politics. His family had tried to draw her in, make her one of the ‘ladies-who-lunch,’ all that shit, you know? According to Jack she tried to roll with it for as long as she could, but in the end she freaked and ran.”

  Smoke stared out the window. He and Laura really were the same kind of animal. She'd run from being tied down just the same way he had. He should be glad to hear it. So why wasn't he?

  “Earth to Smoke. You still with me?” Pete gave him a worried look.


  “Well, I'm thinking I probably just screwed up. All of that is for her to tell you, not me. But since I have told you, I'm wondering if you're going to talk to me.”

  Smoke shook his head. “Not tonight, I'm not. Do you want to go eat?”

  Pete nodded. “But do you want to eat here? I'd just as soon have a burger and a beer at the bar than go sit in the restaurant. Much as I don't want to lose you, I don't think we need a romantic table for two overlooking the water, do we?”

  Smoke smiled. “Nope. I'm a cheap date when it comes to you. Buy me a beer and tell me about Laura and I'm all yours.”

  “Come on,” said Pete. “Talk to me. Spit it out. I haven't seen you look like this since....”

  Smoke cut him off. “Don't even say it!”

  Pete held up a hand. “Okay. Don't bite my head off. You just look like you need to talk.”

  “I do.”

  “So talk?”

  Smoke stared into space again, until he realized he was staring in the direction of the woman at the end of the bar and she was smiling at him. He shook his head looked back at Pete. “I'll tell you one thing.”

  “About Laura or about Anabel?”

  Smoke pressed his lips together to hold in the anger that still rose up every time he heard that name.

  Pete raised his eyebrows. “Sorry partner, but you've not moved on ’til you can hear her name without wanting to punch someone. And there's no point talking about Laura until you have moved on.”

  Smoke fumed silently for a few moments. “What I was going to say is that I almost canceled our flight today.”


  “Because last night, when I took Laura back to San Francisco, I stayed with her. And this morning, I didn't want to leave.”

  “So much that you considered canceling our flight?”

  “Yup. That much.”

  “Wow! Isn't that a good thing? You've never, ever done that, so what's the problem?”

  “The problem is...Anabel—there I said her name out loud, happy now? And just so you know I am well and truly over it, I'll say it again. Anabel, for everything else she did to me, did me one big favor. She taught me that I am no freaking good for a woman. That in order to be what a woman wants, I'd have to give up on everything I want. You remember what she was like, all the times she wanted me to cancel flights, to give up the long haul, to put her first. Since her, I've done a good job of avoiding the whole issue. I refuse to give up who I am. But I like women, so I trade with them short term. I give them what they want, they give me what I want, physically, and I stay the hell away from anything more than that.”

  “But with Laura you want more than that?”

  Smoke nodded. “I do.”

  “And what makes you think she wants you to be anything other than what you are? What makes you think she would want everything from you that Annabel wanted? Anabel didn't teach you what women want. She only taught you what one crazy-ass bitch wanted. The sooner you stop judging all women by her example, the better off you'll be. From what I know of her, Laura would run a mile from everything Anab
el told you a woman needs. Hell, she did run from it. Think on that.”

  Smoke did think on it as he sipped his beer.

  “You know it's her you should be talking to, right.”

  He rolled his eyes at Pete. “You were the one that wanted me to talk! And like I said, she's not here and you are.”

  “So when are you seeing her again?”

  “Weekend. Which reminds me. I'm taking the weekend off. If anyone needs to fly...tough.”

  Pete laughed. “Fair enough. I don't think anyone does, and if anything comes up we'll make other plans. I've wondered for a long time if you were going to end up the creepy old guy at the end of the bar, still hoping the uniform will be enough to attract the ladies. This is making me think you might not.”

  Smoke laughed out loud. “Thanks, Pete, and I thought you loved me!”

  “I do. That's why I'm happy to see that you're finally ready to get over the past and build something healthy with a good woman. Now, if you'll just mend the bridges with your family, I'll know that you're really getting over it.”

  Smoke scowled at him. “I have started mending those bridges. I've been out there twice in the last couple of months and I'm going again soon.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it, and maybe soon you can take Laura to meet them, too.”

  “Fuck off, Hemming!”

  “Okay. I think that is enough for one night.” Pete raised his hand to the bartender. “Could we get a couple of menus? We're going to eat here.”

  Smoke blew out a big sigh and slapped Pete on the back. “Thanks, Pete.”

  Pete nodded. “Not a problem, old friend. When you meet the right one, she can prove that everything you think you know about women and relationships is completely wrong. That's what Holly did to me. It just took me way too long to see it. I think it's what Laura is about to do to you. If I can help you get there any quicker than I did, then I'm all in.”


  Laura looked up when Maria popped her head around the door to her workroom. “Sorry to disturb you, but there's someone out front to see you.”

  “Who is it?”

  “She said she wanted to surprise you.”

  Laura frowned. She'd been really getting into these designs and had hoped to have a good run at it this afternoon. She wanted to have something good to show Colin next week. “Okay. I'll be right out.” She checked herself in the mirror, yep she looked good. It bothered her that she still worried about Dale's family catching her unawares, finding her looking like the untamed Texas girl she really was, instead of the demure, well groomed fiancée they'd wanted for their boy. It could only be one of them. Who else would stop by for a surprise visit?


  “Hey, Laura! I hope you don't mind a little surprise?”

  “Mind? This is wonderful! How are you? What you doing here?”

  “I had to come over to see some clients and I realized I was only a couple of blocks from you, so I thought I'd come say hi. I haven't seen you for ages, and since Dan moved out to the boonies it's going to be down to us to keep in touch all by ourselves.”

  Laura smiled. Leanne had gone to college with Dan, and Laura adored her. In the beginning she'd hoped that Leanne and Dan would get together, but with time she'd realized that the two of them really were just good friends. “I'm so glad you made the first move. I've been meaning to call you ever since the party. I wish you'd been there, Lee. You would have been so proud of him! He made this whole big speech in front of everyone about how he knows what love is, and how much he loves Missy. How he's found his family, and his home, and she's his perfect. There wasn't a dry eye in the place! He totally shot Olivia down in flames! And then he went down on one knee! Our Danny! With a whole crowd watching him!”

  “Aww, bless him!” Leanne grinned. “I do wish I'd been there to see that. It was so cool to see him all starry-eyed, even while the bitch was trying to sell his business out from under him. He was too head-over-heels to even care. I swear he would have sold to Steven for peanuts if I hadn't ridden his ass so hard. The only way I got him to accept Corey's bid instead was to tell him to think what it could mean for the kid's future. What's his name? Scot?”

  Laura laughed. “Yes, Scot. And you want to see them together. It's like he's got a little mini-me!”

  Leanne laughed with her. “Now that I really do need to see. I can't imagine him even knowing what to say to a kid.”

  “Oh, you have to see them. They're so cute. They chatter away together, though of course no-one else has a clue what they're talking about, cos it's all geek-speak.”

  “I really should get up there to visit them. I haven't even met Missy yet.”

  “Well, are you going to the Phoenix fundraiser?”

  “I am. So I will meet her then. Oh, and...Dan is supposed to be setting me up with a guy from Summer Lake as a date too.”

  “Oh, my God! Who?”

  “The good looking one, of course!”

  Laura laughed. “You really do need to visit Summer Lake, Lee. The place is overrun with good looking men. It's like there's a magnet that draws hot men to the place and once they get there, they stay. So you'll have to be more specific. What's his name?”


  “Yay!” Laura clasped her hands together. “Ben is gorgeous! Inside and out, he is such a good guy. Oh, Lee! You'll love him! I can't wait, now!”

  Leanne grinned, “So you're going this year? Who's your date?”

  Laura bit her lip. “Have you got time for a cup of coffee?”

  “I do now. Come on. Save it ’til we get there. The look on your face says this may be a sit down story. Am I right, or am I right?”

  Laura grinned and waved at Maria, who was with a customer on the other side of the store. Her designs could wait. Talking to Leanne would no doubt be much more productive.


  They settled in to a booth in a coffee shop just around the corner from the store. “Okay, out with it.” Leanne grinned at her. “Who are you going with? Your face was the perfect mix of fear and lust when I asked. And your description of the men in Summer Lake makes me think he's someone you met up there. So which one is he? Have I even heard of him?”

  “Oh, Lee. You've seen him. You remember that time you picked me up at the airport after Jack's wedding?”

  Leanne's eyes were wide. “Not the pilot?'

  “Yes, the pilot!”

  “Oh. My. God. Laura! He is smoking hot!”

  Laura had to laugh. “Yes, he is. So much so, that's his name. Smoke!”

  “I can see why! Damn girl!” Leanne's raunchy grin turned serious. “Be careful, he struck me as a predator.”

  Laura nodded. “He is.”

  “As long as you know. So, you're just taking him as arm candy and for the sex afterwards, right?”

  Laura bit her lip.

  “Don't look at me like that! He just wants into your panties! If you hadn't seen me pull up, he would have made a move on you right there in the airport that night. I could tell. But you ran out when you saw me. The way he watched you walk away? It was like watching a starving man have a feast snatched away from him before he got chance to stick his fork in!”

  Laura started to giggle, remembering why she enjoyed Leanne's company so much. She had thought Smoke was going to kiss her that night, but she'd pulled her usual stunt and run as soon as she'd spotted Leanne's car.

  Leanne wasn't laughing. “Do. Not. Fall for him! You know that type. You're smarter than that.”

  “I think I already am, Lee, and I think he's falling for me too.”

  “Laura! Don't give me that shit! That's what guys like that say to get you into bed, you know that!”

  “It's not like that, Lee. Honestly.”

  “Jesus, Laura! Is that what he told you? That he's falling for you and his days of screwing around are over now he's met you?”


  “Then what? What's he said that's gotten to you? Because you, my friend are smarter th
an this.”

  “Honestly, it's not like that. We've seen each other a couple of times now....”

  “And how many of those times have you not had sex?”

  Laura thought about it.

  Leanne shook her head. “None of them, right? Every time you're with him, you screw like bunnies, don't you?”

  Laura laughed. It was true. She hadn't ever seen him and not had sex with him. Well, apart from the time she'd seen him in town—and then he'd been walking arm in arm with another woman. A happily married woman, who was just a friend, she reminded herself quickly.

  “Listen, I'm not judging, you know that. Damn, with his looks and that body? I'd be all over him myself given half a chance. All I'm saying is that he would probably be all over me too, and any other woman he sets his charm to. Enjoy the sex, but don't turn it into something it's not, okay?”

  Laura nodded. Maybe Leanne was right? No. He couldn't have faked his struggle over whether to stay or go on Sunday night. Or so many other things. He'd no doubt been what Leanne thought he was, but he was genuine about whatever was going on between the two of them. She was convinced of it. But she knew she wouldn't be able to convince Leanne.

  “Just don't get your heart broken. I'd hate that.”

  “So would I, but Lee I have to see where it goes. I can always run.”

  “Well, don't say I didn't warn you, and don't let this conversation stop you from coming to me for a shoulder to cry on when it all blows up in your face. I hope for your sake I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.”

  Laura smiled. “Thank you, I'll remember that.” She just hoped she wouldn't need to.

  Chapter Thirteen

  As she checked her apartment one last time, Laura wondered again whether she should just wait here for Smoke to show up. She hadn't heard from him since their texts on Monday night. He'd said he would come get her. But that was just so they could have sex before they left, wasn't it? Not that she didn't want that, in fact she couldn't wait, but Leanne's certainty that that was all he was in it for had stuck with her all week. And as each day ended with no word from him, her own conviction had gotten a little shaky. The little seeds of doubt Leanne had planted in her mind were starting to take root. If she wanted to weed out those doubts, she could hardly do it by sitting around here waiting for him to come and take her to bed. She had everything packed and ready to go, everything for the weekend and everything for London next week, too. He'd said in his text that he'd have her back to the San Francisco airport in time for her flight on Sunday, so she was ready to go straight there.