Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) Page 12
“How the hell do I get out of here?” she asked, frustrated.
He got up and leaned over her. “You can't until I let you.” He'd meant it as a joke, but the look of panic on her face threw him. He undid the buckle quickly. “Just kidding. You do it like this.” He slid the clip in and out to show her. “See, you can escape any time you like.”
She met his gaze. “Thanks. That's good to know.”
He stepped through to the cabin and opened the door to let the steps down, wondering why the relief in her voice bothered him so much.
The lineman met them with the golf cart.
“Evening, Captain Hamilton, Do you need any fuel or a tie down?”
“No, thanks. It's just a quick turnaround tonight.”
The guy nodded and waited while they climbed on the cart.
Inside the FBO Smoke felt uncomfortable. This should be the point where he made himself scarce. The point where he would normally kiss the girl then, literally and figuratively, fly off into the sunset. But with Laura, nothing was going as it normally would. And when it came to her, he seemed to be incapable of doing what his better judgment told him he should.
“Well, I guess this is it, then,” she said, with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. “Call me if you want to go to the fundraiser together.” She reached to take her bag from him.
He snatched it away and held it behind his back with a laugh. “At least let me bring it to the car for you?”
She nodded.
He snaked an arm around her waist as they walked across the parking lot. When they reached her car he backed her up against it and dropped the bag. Taking her face between his hands, he kissed her. Her arms came up around his neck and he felt her relax, her body melting, yielding to his own in what felt like an invitation. Eventually he lifted his head and looked into her eyes. They were full of a longing that pulled at him. Touching something deep inside him, something that felt like it might be his heart.
He rested his forehead against hers. “I can't make myself walk away, Laura.”
“Then don't,” she whispered. “Stay with me.”
He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face.
Chapter Eleven
Laura pulled up outside her apartment. “Here we are.” She looked nervous now. Smoke felt it too. This was weird. He'd felt weird going back into the airport, getting the overnight bag that he kept in the plane, telling the guys at the FBO that he did need a tie down for the night after all. Suffering the knowing looks—he and Laura had put on quite a show, kissing in the parking lot like that. But weird or not, nervous or not, he was still glad he was here. He needed to know that she was.
“Are you sure about this?”
She nodded, then seemed to relax a little as she smiled. “It's just that I don't know what game we're playing any more, Smoke. But I don't want to stop.”
They really were on the same page then. He touched her cheek. “I'm right there with you, lady.”
He looked around the apartment. It was very Laura. It was classy, stylish, with touches of humor here and there. The artwork was eclectic to say the least. There was a bright, oriental rug thrown over the back of the sofa, an ornate chandelier hung over a super modern dining table. Smoke loved it. “Nice place,” he said as he followed her through to the kitchen.
“Thank you. It's not much, but it's mine. I've only been here a year, but it's all me. It's like my little sanctuary, you know?”
He nodded, “I feel honored to be invited in, then.”
The pink stains appeared on her cheeks. “Yeah.” She looked away. “Would you like a glass of wine?”
“I'd love one.”
“Why don't you choose?” She pointed to the wine rack. “I just need to check for messages.” She went through the door to what looked like an office.
Smoke checked out the bottles. Jesus! Every single one of them was from the same winery. Well it was hardly a winery any more. It was a huge commercial operation that mass-produced for the national and international markets. He rolled his eyes—no matter how hard he tried, it seemed he could never get away. He decided on a red blend. It wasn't bad—he should know. He uncorked the bottle and found the glasses. As he poured, she came back into the kitchen with a delighted smile on her face.
“They want me in London a week from tomorrow!”
He couldn't help but smile at her excitement. “That's great.” He handed her a glass. “We should drink to your new ventures.”
“And to yours.” She raised her glass. “It seems we've both got some new adventures on the horizon.”
He was unsettled by the thought that her adventures would be taking her overseas while his would potentially be making his world smaller. He was even more unsettled by the realization that he wouldn't mind a smaller world, if she was going to be a part of it. “Would you really consider buying that first place we saw today?” Where the hell had that question come from?
She seemed as surprised by it as he was himself. “I...I don't know. I mean, if you don't want it, then...maybe. If I sell the store here, I could. I'll have a store at Four Mile when it's built. And by the looks of it I'll be able to travel some, soon. I already told you, I've had enough of San Francisco. It would be kind of cool to live in Summer Lake, be in a small town with friends and family around, but still be able to escape for work. And it is such a darling little house.”
He could see her enthusiasm building as she spoke, but then she stopped. “But you loved it too. And, honestly? I'm scared that you are part of the appeal of moving there, and that's not right.”
Damn! She really was laying it out there, and even stranger was that he didn't want to run. He wanted to persuade her that it was a good idea!
“Why is it not right?”
She gave a short laugh. “Because given both of our track records, it probably won't seem so appealing in a few weeks, will it?”
“It might.” Had he really just said that?
“Smoke, look at us. Neither of us is exactly a good long term prospect, are we?”
“Okay, so we've both been shaped by our past.” He smiled. “We've both learned to avoid anything heavy. But there's no denying we've got something going on between us. Something that feels really, really good. So good I don't know how it could ever be a bad idea.”
He put his glass down and pulled her to him. She looked stunned. Smoke felt stunned, but the words were out and he didn't regret them. As her arms came up around his neck and he tasted her sweet lips, slid his tongue into her mouth and crushed her to his chest, he knew he wouldn't take those words back even if he could. They were too true.
When that kiss finally ended, she still looked stunned. “Do you really mean that?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
He ran his fingers down her cheek. “I do. I have no idea what we're going to do about it, but I know I'd like for us to try to do something.” He held her closer. “If you feel the same?”
She nodded. “I do.”
He felt himself relax. “Then that'll do for starters.” He slid a hand down her back ’til it closed around her ass as he pushed his hips against her. He smiled at the moan that escaped her lips. “We should probably start with the one thing we already know we're seriously good at.
She smiled and, taking his hand, led him through to the bedroom. He watched her lift her T-shirt over her head and hurried to remove his own shirt in time to see her bra come off and those great little breasts peek out at him. Her nipples seemed to be begging for his hands on them. Not wanting to keep them waiting, he got rid of the rest of his clothes. She was still unfastening her jeans, so he gladly helped her. He had her out of them and naked underneath him in seconds.
He dropped his head and teased her nipples with his tongue and teeth until they stood erect and she was moaning. His hand slid its way down over her smooth skin until he found her heat. She was soaking already. To his surprise, she caught his hand and brought it up over her head, holding it to the pillow.
He smiled, understanding what she wanted. He brought her other hand up and laced his fingers through hers, pinning one hand on either side of her face.
“Take me, Smoke. Make me yours.”
Jesus! The effect those words had on him! As he spread her legs, she arched up to him, her body begging him, the same as her words and with the same effect. He filled her with one deep thrust. Damn, she felt so good, so hot and tight—and so damned wet for him. He slowly circled his hips. This time was different. She wanted to be his? He'd make her his alright. This time there would be no doubt whose she was—or whose he was either.
He brought her hands up so he could trap them both in one of his and brought his free hand down between their bodies. Matching the movement of his hips, he worked the little nub that could give her so much pleasure. Once he had her moaning and writhing, about to lose it, he took his hand away. He moved slowly inside her now. Keeping her right at the edge, but not allowing her to slip over and come.
“Smoke, please?” her voice was so full of need, he almost lost it himself.
He focused on her breast, tormenting her, rolling and twisting her nipple hard enough that he could feel her response tightening around him. He was so close to the edge himself that one deep thrust would have them both screaming. But not yet. He watched the ecstasy and the anguish on her face. She thrust her hips desperately, her head thrashing from side to side as she moaned.
“Do I feel good, Laura?” he breathed.
She met his eyes and nodded rapidly.
“Good enough that you want to be mine?”
She nodded again as he kept the torment going, moving in and out of her so slowly.
“Good enough that you'll believe me this time? Last time you thought it was just words, didn't you?”
Her eyes widened. “Yes!” Her body arched up, begging him to finish her, finally giving it up to him. He couldn't hold back anymore if he'd wanted to. He thrust deep inside her body.
“You. Are. Mine.” He gave it up to her, letting himself soar away, taking her with him. As she screamed his name, he gasped hers on a ragged breath. He released her hands. Her arms and legs came up around him, clinging to him tightly as her orgasm shook her and intensified his own. She was so damned responsive. Drawing him deeper as his need umped inside her, their bodies straining as one.
He finally lay still, loving the feel of her body still quivering underneath him. Right where she belonged. His lips curved up into a smile. The thought didn't even scare him; she did belong right there, her arms and legs open for him, because she was his. He buried his face in her neck and grazed his teeth over her delicate skin. She shivered, sending an aftershock through him as she tightened in response. Damn! He would never get enough of this woman. He brought his lips up to her ear and brushed them over it as he whispered. “Mine.”
Her body signaled its agreement, trembling as her arms, her legs, and everything else tightened around him.
Laura gasped. His lips on her ear sent shock waves through her, drawing out the last ripples of what felt like 'the orgasm that refused to end'. She still had her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.
“What are you, lady?” he whispered.
“Screwed, well and truly screwed,” she mumbled. Even her voice was weak after that.
He chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest and into hers before he propped himself up on his elbows to smile down at her.
“Okay, so I'll rephrase. Whose are you?” His eyes were serious. He really meant it then?
She stared at him, not sure what to do with this. She wasn't exactly running scared, or even feeling trapped. But still, she didn't know what to do with it.
He rocked his hips. God! He couldn't be ready to go again just yet?
His smile told her he wasn't. “If you don't know the answer, we'll have to start again at the beginning until you do. You're mine, Laura. All mine. Only mine.”
Part of her loved the idea, part of her felt queasy. “What does that even mean, Smoke?”
His face darkened, surprising her. “I think it probably means I'm just a jealous, possessive jerk.” He rolled off her and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. “It means I don't want to let you go.” He turned his head to look at her. “But I don't know how to let you in.” The bed bounced, he stood up so quickly. “I should just go.”
Laura's stomach tied itself in a knot. She scrambled to the edge of the bed and grabbed his hand. “Don't! Don't you dare!”
He looked down at her, face set and angry.
She pressed on. “No way are you leaving. That's the coward's way out. You just laid yourself open to me, and now you're scared. Well, guess what, Smoke. I'm scared too. I'm scared of the way you make me feel. I'm scared of what your body does to mine. I'm scared to be yours when I've never allowed anyone to get that close. But what scares me the most is the thought of you walking out that door. Because we both know that if you do, that's it. We'll both run scared. We'll put our walls back up, and there will be no letting them down again.”
He stared at her for a long moment, his whole body rigid with tension, fighting with himself. Stay or go? She held her breath as she watched the struggle on his face. After what felt like forever his face relaxed. The corner of his mouth lifted in the tiniest smile and he dropped back down on the bed. He closed both arms around her. She could feel his heart thundering in his chest.
“You're right. I admit it. I am scared. I'm scared shitless. I feel like I'm exposing my soul to you, and giving you everything you need to destroy me. That scares me more than you can know. But the thought of this....” He squeezed her tight. “Of you and me, ending now. That scares me a whole lot more.” His face looked pained. “I want to keep seeing you. See where this goes, but part of me knows...I can't give you what you want. Be what you need. You're right, if I walk away I am being a coward. But if I stay, maybe I'm being a selfish bastard and you just don't know it yet.”
Laura held him tight, relieved he was still here, but afraid of what he might mean. “Smoke, I don't think I can give you what you want, be what you need either. I don't know where we can even go with this. It would be easier, safer for me to run and never look back.” She looked deep into his troubled gray eyes. “But a part of me knows that if I did, I would spend the rest of my life looking back, always wondering, never knowing. I don't want to do that. I am scared, but I trust you, I believe you trust me. As long as we have that we'll do okay. So, let's just see where this goes, can we?”
He nodded. Then his hands were in her hair, his mouth was on hers, and she was lost. She couldn't know where they were going, but his kiss told her they were going somewhere. Together.
Chapter Twelve
Smoke sat in the lobby bar waiting for Pete. It had been a while since they'd done this. It seemed whenever he flew Pete these days, Holly was along with him. This was like old times, getting together for dinner after Pete's meetings. Except it wasn't like old times at all. Dinner used to be followed by hitting the bars, checking out the ladies. In his case, going home with one more often than not. Now he had no interest. There was a blonde in a suit at the end of the bar who'd been trying to catch his eye since he came in. Not so long ago he'd have been over there by now, setting up the rest of his night. Tonight though, she barely registered. His radar for hot, available women was too finely tuned to not notice her—or the signals she was sending loud and clear—but that was it. He didn't want a blonde in Seattle, he wanted a dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty in San Francisco.
She'd taken him back to the airport early this morning. Even then he hadn't wanted to leave her. For the first time in his life he'd considered canceling a flight to be with a woman. Pete would have been pissed, but he'd almost done it. She'd insisted she had to get to work though. That they'd see each other soon, even though they hadn't figured out when 'soon' would be. As he'd kissed her up against her car in the parking lot, she'd clung to him. He'd clung to her, not letting her go until their kisses had
left him with only two choices: leave, or get her into the back seat of her car and out of her dress. It had taken every last shred of self-discipline, but he'd left. All he could think about now was when he could see her again. He dug his phone out of his pocket and tapped out a text.
Come stay with me this weekend?
She wouldn't say no to that, would she?
I can't. :( By the time I get there I'd have to leave. Flying to London Sun night.
He shook his head. He hadn't meant for her to drive.
I'll come get you in Papa Charlie. Have you back to SFO in time for your flight.
He stared at his phone, waiting.
I'm not Dan! I can't afford jet fuel!
Oh. Yeah. He hadn't thought of that. Well, if they were going to do this, she needed to know.
I've got it. My plane. My fuel :0)
This should be interesting. It took her longer to reply this time.
YOUR plane??? WTF?
He laughed out loud.
I told you the guys just lease him. No more excuses.
Be at the airport 5pm Fri, lady. If you're not there I'll have
to come find you!
This time she was quicker.
I think I like the come find me option – sounds like fun :)
Good. No interrogation about Papa Charlie.
Either way. I'll have you Friday.
He hit send and waited a couple of seconds.
SEE you – I meant I'll see you Friday – honest :0)
She came right back.
I'll look fwd to it – and to SEEing you too.
Smoke spotted Pete through the window. He was handing his keys to the valet. He'd be here in a second, but Smoke couldn't resist sending one last one.