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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7) Read online

Page 5

  She almost choked on the food. It was Donovan! She hadn’t saved his number when he’d called her Monday morning—she hadn’t seen the point. She swallowed and took a gulp of her soda.

  He had asked if he could keep in touch, but she hadn’t expected him to. Wow. She wriggled a little happy dance in her seat. She shouldn’t be so pleased to hear from him—but what girl wouldn’t be?

  Elle: Hey yourself! Week was ok.

  We didn’t have time for more adventures. Just work.

  How about you? Did you have a good one?

  She typed and deleted the last line three times. There was nothing wrong with asking how his week had been, was there? She shrugged. It was only polite. He’d asked her. She typed it in again and hit send before she could talk herself out of answering at all.

  Then she sat there watching the screen. Her tummy flipped over when the three little dots appeared, indicating that he was replying.

  Donovan: It was ok. Busy. Is your dad in town?

  Elle: Not yet. He’s supposed to get in around eight.

  Donovan: Aww. Will Skye have to wait till tomorrow to see him?

  Elle shook her head and glanced at Skye. How come it occurred to Donovan that it might be late for Skye, but it didn’t occur to her dad? She’d told him that was Skye’s bedtime so if he wasn’t going to get in till later perhaps, they should wait till morning. But he’d insisted that it’d be fine, that she could wait up for him.

  Elle: I’ll let her stay up. She hasn’t seen him for a while.

  Donovan: Do you guys have lots of adventures planned for the weekend?

  She made a face. Her dad and Maddie were going to watch Skye in the morning while she worked, but other than that all he’d been interested in arranging was showing Maddie the sights and taking them to the Boathouse. As far as Elle was concerned that wouldn’t be much of an adventure for Skye. She didn’t need to start bitching about him to Donovan though.

  Elle: Not really. We’re just going to hang out.

  How about you, do you have a fun weekend lined up?

  She’d guess that he was probably going out with everyone. There was always a whole gang of people their age who hung out on the weekends. There were lots of couples, people she’d known since kindergarten, like Colt and Cassie, and Logan, Austin, and Abbie and their partners, but there was a whole group of singles, too. Ally and Jade, and Brayden, Alex, and Isaac. She watched the screen. He’d probably be hanging out with all of them.

  Donovan: I’m supposed to meet the guys at the café at Four Mile later.

  Not sure I want to go, but they all want to check out the new wine bar.

  She nodded. She’d heard about the new place that had opened at the plaza. It sounded lovely, and it would be great for people to have another place to go in the evenings. The Boathouse was good, but it was the only real option for a night out and it had been her whole life.

  She picked at her nail polish while she stared at the screen. It was nice that he’d wanted to chat with her, but all this was doing was emphasizing the fact that she was a single mom staying home with her kid, while he was young, free, single, and extremely good-looking. Well, the conversation might not be focusing on his looks, but her mind was.

  Elle: I should let you go then.

  I hope you have a good time.

  Her heart sank when the three little dots didn’t appear. She shouldn’t feel sad. There was no need for him to say anything in reply. And guys tended to stop answering when they weren’t getting what they wanted out of a conversation—she knew that all too well.

  Her heart leaped right back up into her throat when the phone started to ring, and it was the same number on the display.

  Her hand trembled as she picked it up. She glanced at Skye, but she was engrossed in the TV, so she hurried to the kitchen before she answered.


  “Hey.” His voice was deep and sexy. She already knew that—she’d listened to the voicemail he’d left on Monday morning more than a few times.

  “What’s up?” Her heart was beating so loudly in her ears she worried that he might be able to hear it.

  “I … I thought it’d be easier to talk than to text.”

  She nodded—which was dumb, it wasn’t like he could see.

  “When you said you should let me go … I didn’t want you to.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip to try to keep her smile in. “I wasn’t trying to get rid of you. I just thought … you know. You need to get ready and go out. You get to go out and have fun. I’m just here with Skye doing our thing. Don’t get me wrong. I love it. But I know it’s boring compared to going out with everyone.”

  “I don’t see it that way.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. I’d much rather come and spend the evening hanging out with you and Skye than go to the café or the wine bar with everyone.”

  It was weird, but for some reason she believed him. What she didn’t get was, “Why?”

  He chuckled. It was deep and sexy and made her shiver. “I think you know why.”

  She closed her eyes and pursed her lips in disappointment. Was this where he started talking dirty and telling her what he’d do to her if she invited him over?

  “And in case you don’t know, I’ll tell you.”

  Here it came. She braced herself ready to hang up, even if she was just a teeny bit turned on at the thought of hearing what he wanted to do.

  “I like you, Elle. And I like Skye, too. I’d like to get to know you both better. I’d have more fun hanging out with you two and reading about Benji Mouse than I will hanging out with the guys talking the usual bullshit.”

  Wow! She gripped the phone tighter, not knowing what to say.

  She heard him chuckle. “Please say something. Put me out of my misery.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I …” She shook her head. “I … you really mean it, don’t you?”

  “Why would I say it if I didn’t?”

  She made a face. Surely he knew. “Come on, Donovan. You know damned well why guys say whatever they think a girl wants to hear.”

  He was quiet for a long few moments. Was he pissed that she was calling him out?

  “Sorry. I get what you mean now. I just … I don’t operate that way. I’d never lie to get a girl into bed. I don’t see the point.”

  She let out a bitter little laugh. “Oh, please!”

  “I’m serious! I know I can’t make you believe me if that’s the kind of guy you think I am. But if I’m going to sleep with someone, I want it to be because she wants me as much as I want her—not because I conned her into bed.”

  He sounded so disappointed that she felt bad. “I’m not saying that you’re a bad guy—just that you’re a guy. And I know how that goes.”

  “Not all guys are the same way.”

  She swallowed. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to offend you. I was just trying to be honest.”

  “That’s okay. I get it. Would you mind me being honest with you?”

  “Okay.” She wasn’t sure she’d like what he had to say but it was only fair.

  “It makes me sad that you’re judging me that way. But I know you’re only judging me based on your past experiences. So, I’m even sadder for you than I am for me. I hate to think what kind of experiences you’ve had.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. He had a point, but she didn’t know what to say.

  “You still there?”


  She could hear the smile in his voice. “Good. I thought maybe you hung up on me.”

  “No. I wouldn’t do that. You’re only being honest.”


  “I have had some pretty bad experiences. So, forgive me for being wary.” It wasn’t an apology, but it came close enough.

  She was relieved to still hear the smile in his voice when he spoke again. “You’re forgiven.”

  “Thanks. I guess I should let you go.”

  “Keep bei
ng honest with me, Elle? Either tell me that you want me to go or tell me that you want to keep talking. Don’t assume that you’re taking up my time when I have something more important to do. It’s not more important to me.”

  She brought her hand up to her throat and dropped her chin onto it as she swallowed. “Okay. I don’t want you to go. But I don’t know what to say. And I’m feeling pretty stupid. And …” What the hell? Why not say it. “I like thinking that you might be serious about wanting to talk to me more than you want to go out. But …”

  “Why does there have to be a but?”

  She smiled. “Because I’m feeling embarrassed, and I don’t know what else to say.”

  “Okay. Mind if I say something then?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Would you and Skye mind if I join your adventure again on Monday? I can meet you guys at the park. And before you go assuming anything about me not suggesting something sooner—I’ll tell you straight. If you wanted to invite me, I’d rather come see you guys now. But I know that you have your dad here for the weekend.”

  Her heart was racing. She still didn’t understand how the conversation had ended up here but … “Okay.”

  “Great. Eleven-thirty again?”


  “Okay. I’ll see you then. Unless you find you have time and want to hang out before then. If you do, call me, okay?”


  He chuckled. “And now I don’t want to say goodbye.”

  She smiled. She didn’t want to either, but she should get off the phone before she told him that she’d love to see him now if he had an hour to spare before her dad came. “Don’t then. Say see you Monday.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you Monday, Elle.”

  “Yeah. See you then.”

  Chapter Five

  Donovan arrived at the park at eleven-twenty on Monday morning. He’d told Leanne that he was taking a long lunch, and she’d told him to take the afternoon if he wanted to. He’d love to, but he doubted that there’d be any need. Elle wouldn’t want him to stick around when she took Skye home for her lunch.

  He opened the glove box and took out the baggie of bread crusts he’d saved. Skye had been sweet about sharing hers with him last time, but he wanted to be a part of this, not just a tag-along.

  He got out of the truck and looked around. It was a beautiful morning. It felt like spring. It looked like it too with beautiful flowers blooming on the trees and in the beds that lined the pathway. Spring was his favorite time of year. Everything was coming back to life after the winter. The smells and the colors of nature were vivid all around.


  He turned with a grin when he heard Skye shout.

  “Skye!” He smiled and waved at her, then looked up to meet her mom’s gaze.

  Damn, she was beautiful. She didn’t speak. Neither did he. He felt as though the sight of her had stolen all the air from his lungs. He did manage to smile at her though, and she smiled back.

  He held her gaze as he went to meet them, and with each step closer, the brighter her eyes seemed. They were a light green color that he hadn’t seen before. They seemed to dance with gold flecks.


  “Hi.” Her cheeks flushed when she spoke.

  “Want out, Mommy.”

  He stood back to let her come around and unfasten Skye. He’d been honest with her that he would never lie to get a woman into bed, but he wouldn’t avert his eyes when an ass like hers bent down in front of him either.

  When she straightened up, Skye came and grabbed hold of his hand. “Want to feed the ducks?”

  “I do. Hang on a minute.” He went back to the truck for his bag of bread.

  “Ooh! You brought lots! Can I share?”

  “Of course, you can.”

  Elle turned to look at him as Skye ran ahead, and they fell into step.

  “What?” She was giving him a weird look, so he might as well find out what it was about straight away.

  She shook her head. “Nothing.”

  “I thought you were going to keep being honest with me?” He nudged her with his elbow. It was a friendly gesture. It didn’t come anywhere near taking her face between his hands and tasting her lips like he wanted to, but it was something.

  He grinned when she pushed him back. “Okay! I’m surprised at you, that’s all.”


  She jerked her chin at the bag in his hand. “Thinking to bring bread.”

  He shrugged. “Skye shared with me last week. It’s only fair that I should do my part and share with her, too.”

  “I know it’s fair, but most people don’t. Most people wouldn’t have thought to bring anything, or to share with her.”

  He shrugged again. “I told you, not all guys are the same.”

  Her smile disappeared and he knew he’d pushed it, but he couldn’t help it. He had the nasty suspicion that her ex—Skye’s father—must be a real asshole. “Yeah.”

  He held his hand up. “Sorry. I’m not going to keep banging on about that.”


  “Well, not on one condition.”

  She smiled through pursed lips. “And what might that condition be?”

  “I won’t keep reminding you that not all guys are assholes, if you give me a chance to show you that I’m not one.”

  “You already have.”

  “Why, thank you. We’re making progress then?”

  She smiled again. “I suppose we are.”

  “In that case, is there any chance that you might give me the opportunity to prove to you that not only am I not an asshole, but that I am a gentleman?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “That sounds like lawyer speak to me. You’re trying to get me to sign up for something before I totally understand what you mean, aren’t you?”

  “No! I’ll make the terms perfectly clear. What I’m asking is that you let me take you out. To dinner or lunch or whatever you like—you get to choose where we go, what we do, and whether or not Skye comes, too.”

  She looked up at him and raised her eyebrows. He wanted nothing more than to drop a kiss on her lips—lips that were quivering with amusement.

  “Whatever you choose, I will make the most of the opportunity to prove to you that not only am I unlike your previous experiences, but also that I am a gentleman.”

  She laughed. “So, you’re saying you’ll do anything I like?”

  He nodded and smiled through pursed lips.

  “So, if I asked you to come and hang out with us and spend the afternoon reading or drawing and doing Skye things, you’d come and do that happily?”

  He nodded.

  “And if I asked you to take me out, you’d do that, too—and still manage to prove that you’re a gentleman?”

  He nodded again. “And I can honestly tell you that whichever you choose, I’ll enjoy.”

  She pursed her lips as she thought about it.


  He hurried away to join Skye before she reached the pond. When he looked back over his shoulder, Elle was watching him thoughtfully. He was relieved that she seemed to be going along with the idea. Whatever she chose, it would mean that he got to spend more time getting to know her. If she invited him to join her and Skye that would be great—because it’d say that she liked having him around her daughter. If she asked him to take her out—he swallowed. That may be the option he liked less. Of course, he wanted to take her out, but she was more likely to second guess his motives in that scenario—and so was he.

  ~ ~ ~

  Elle’s heart was thundering in her chest. She’d love to go out on a date with him. Except she wasn’t supposed to want to go out with anyone. She’d promised herself that she wasn’t going to get involved with a guy again. It just wasn’t worth it.

  She smiled as she watched him squat down beside Skye, the two of them laughing as they fed the ducks. He probably was different than the guys she’d been with before. He certainly wasn
’t anything like Tristan. But still. Would it be fair to Skye? To let her get attached to him? She already had a thing for him.

  Her tummy flipped over when he turned and smiled at her. He was gorgeous—and sexier than hell. She crossed her arms over her chest at the feel of her nipples pebbling. She didn’t want him to see—to know—the effect he had on her.

  She hurried over to join them. He hadn’t pushed her to give him an answer about which option she preferred—whether she’d rather he took her out or did something with her and Skye. She doubted he’d leave without asking again, but she needed to think about it. She might not know him all that well, but she knew herself. If she went out on a date with him, she might be interested in getting him to prove that he wasn’t such a gentleman after all. She hadn’t been with a guy since Tristan and that had been a long time now. Ally had laughed at her about going without for fifteen years until Skye grew up. Elle had meant it when she said it, but she doubted she’d be able to hold out for fifteen minutes if Donovan set his mind to it.

  “Did you guys have a good time with your dad?”

  “Pft!” She rolled her eyes. “He didn’t show.”

  “What? I thought he was only a couple of hours away when we talked on Friday night.”

  She shrugged. “So, did I, but he changed his mind.”

  “And he didn’t let you know?”

  She blew out a sigh. “He didn’t think he needed to, since he hadn’t actually confirmed.”

  “I see.” Donovan didn’t look impressed.

  She wasn’t either. “That’s the way he rolls. He does what suits him and expects everyone else to fall in with it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “It worked out okay. I was in a panic on Saturday morning. They were supposed to watch Skye while I was at work and Jackie was out of town.”

  “What did you do?”

  She smiled. “My mom and Cal came over and got her.”

  “Your mom seems cool.”

  “She’s awesome! And Cal is, too. Though you must already know that since you work with him.”

  Donovan chuckled. “He seems cool, but it’s a bit different when you work for him—he’s a bit scary.”

  That surprised her. “Really? Is he mean? I thought he’d be chill.” Her heart sank at the possibility that there was another side of Cal that she and her mom just hadn’t seen yet. She’d already come to think of him as someone who had her back—but then, she wasn’t known for being a great judge of guys.