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Too Much Love to Hide (Summer Lake Seasons Book 2) Read online

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  She cupped his face between her hands, and for a moment, he thought that was exactly what she was going to do—that she was going to tell him that she liked him, but she didn’t want to get involved.

  Instead, she smiled. “Don’t be silly. I don’t want to walk away. I’m glad you told me. Now I know why we have to be careful. And now I understand you a little bit better—I know you a little bit better, and that makes me happy.”

  “You’re not afraid?”

  She shook her head. “No. I trust you. I don’t know what kind of bad people you got mixed up with, but you’re not a bad person, are you?”

  He shook his head.

  “And they’re not right in coming after you, are they?”

  Zack hesitated. “If I were in his shoes, I might feel the same way he does. No. I’d never be in his shoes, because I’d never have done what he did in the first place.”

  “Can you tell me what happened? Why he’s after you?”

  “Maybe. One day soon. But not now.” He felt like he’d burdened her with enough for one night.

  “Okay. I’m glad you told me as much as you have.” She smiled. “So, we should probably go tonight. People will think it’s weird if neither of us shows up. That’d be more likely to give us away than showing up together as friends would.”

  He smiled and let his gaze run over her, sending a thrill through his veins at the thought that, if things went the way they seemed to be going, he’d get to do so much more than look at her later tonight. “As long as I can keep myself in check.”

  She waggled her eyebrows at him. “This could be fun. I can tease you, and we’ll be the only ones who know what’s going on.” She smiled. “We can be together and keep it a secret that only we know.”

  His heart buzzed in his chest. How had he gotten this lucky? Not only did she understand, and not mind, but she wanted to make a game out of it. “Only until this is over. I want to take you out properly, I want to show you off, as my girl.”

  She smiled. “I love that idea, too, but for now, we can make the most of what is. Hiding isn’t ideal—but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it fun.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Maria looked around as they entered the restaurant. She felt as though everyone must know that she’d spent the afternoon with Zack at his place and what they’d been up to. Well, to be fair, they hadn’t gotten up to too much. They’d kissed—a lot. He was the best kisser! But he’d been a gentleman, so far. She was hoping she might get the chance to change that later. Kenzie waved at her from the behind the bar.

  Zack stood a little closer to her and spoke under his breath. “It might not be that easy to hide with Kenzie around.”

  “Yeah. She was onto us at lunchtime.” Maria had been okay to go along with hiding what was happening between them while they were sitting in his house earlier. The thought of someone looking for him and wanting to hurt him—and maybe her as well, as a way to get to him—had seemed so far-fetched, it’d been easy to dismiss it. Now, a little shiver ran down her spine. She looked up at him. “Is this going to make life more difficult for you?”

  He held her gaze for a long moment. “Honestly? Yes, I’m going to be beating myself up the whole time. I’m already telling myself I’m a selfish asshole for not keeping the way I feel to myself. I shouldn’t be putting you in this position, and if I had the self-discipline, I should stay away from you.”

  She had to smile. “You’re not a selfish asshole. In fact, you should feel good that you put me out of my misery.”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “What misery?”

  “I told you. I’ve liked you this whole time, too, and I was miserable wondering why I kept tormenting myself with the belief that you liked me, too. When you obviously didn’t, or you would have done something about it.”

  He smiled. “Well, now you know. I like you a lot.” He glanced over her shoulder. “But I’m going to do my best not to let anyone else know it.”

  She smiled. “It’s easier for me.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I can slip up and it doesn’t matter if I like you, does it? I can just be that chick with a crush.”

  He shrugged. “I think we should both play it cool. Starting now. Angel and Luke are just behind you, heading this way.”

  “Okay, but I should warn you. Angel knows I like you.”

  He brushed his hand over the small of her back as she turned to greet their friends, sending shivers down her spine as he spoke quietly next to her ear. “Luke knows I like you, too.”

  That made her feel warm inside. She knew he and Luke were close; it made her happy that he’d told his friend the way he felt about her. It made it seem more real.

  “Hey guys,” Angel greeted them with a big smile. “I’m glad you’re both here. What did you get up to today? I know you didn’t go for a hike. Not with the rain we had.”

  Maria’s heart started to race. She’d said she was okay with hiding from their friends, but until now, she hadn’t considered that it would mean lying to them. She didn’t like to tell lies; it wasn’t in her nature. She shrugged. “Not much. I watched a movie.” That wasn’t a lie.

  “I did, too.” She had to smile at the sound of Zack’s voice beside her. She didn’t dare turn to look at him, though.

  “Hey, everyone!” Roxy appeared out of the crowd. “How are we?”

  Maria laughed. “Good, thanks. How are you? How was your head this morning?”

  Roxy rolled her eyes. “I was grateful for your suggestion to put a glass of water and some aspirin on the nightstand, put it that way. I hope I wasn’t too embarrassing last night?”

  Maria smiled. She was hardly going to remind her friend about the way she’d set her up to go home with Zack—though at some point she did want to thank her.

  Luke laughed. “No, you just had one too many. You were fun. Unlike Angel and Maria who, for a minute there, made me think the zombie apocalypse was here.”

  “Hey!” Angel pushed at his arm. “That’s not nice.”

  Zack chuckled. “Maybe not, but he does have a point. This one,” he nudged Maria with his elbow, “almost bludgeoned me to death with a towel rail.”

  “What’s that?” Colt had come to join them and gave Maria an enquiring look. “Did he just say what I think he did?”

  Maria smiled. She liked Colt. He wasn’t her type, but he was a good-looking guy. He was one of their group of friends, though he didn’t get out as much as the rest of them. As deputy sheriff, he tended to work a lot of unsociable hours. “Yes, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. I promise. You don’t need to arrest me for attempted assault or anything.”

  Colt laughed. “Don’t worry, I didn’t plan to.” He gave Zack a look she didn’t understand. “But I might recruit you to the local defense force if ever things get hairy around here.”

  Maria risked a look at Zack. It seemed he and Colt were having a conversation with their eyes. She’d have to ask him about it later.

  “Are we going to grab a table?” asked Roxy. “We need to lay claim to one soon, or we’ll be standing all night.”

  “That’s what I came to tell you,” said Colt. “Austin and Logan have snagged us a table right by the band.”

  Maria shot a look at Roxy who tried to look innocent but failed miserably.

  “Lead the way, Rox,” said Zack. “I’m sure Logan will be pleased to see you.”

  Roxy shot him an evil look. “Button it, Mr. Aguila, if you don’t mind.”

  Zack just laughed. “I don’t know what your problem is. You know what he’s like. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to oblige you.”

  Roxy shook her head. “Don’t! I’m serious. I’m not interested in a romp with Logan, and that’s all he thinks women are made for. I find him nice to look at, that’s all.” She shot a look at Maria. “And I don’t know why you’re ribbing me for having a secret crush on someone. I could start on you if you’re not careful.”

  Zack held a hand up. “Okay, okay. Sorry.
I was only teasing you. Let me buy you a drink to make up for it.”

  Roxy grinned at him. “Oh, okay then, if you insist.”

  Once he and Luke had gone to the bar, Maria and the girls sat down at the table. Austin and Logan greeted them, and Maria had to smile to herself. If she wanted to hide how she felt about Zack, she’d do well to take lessons from Roxy. She had this big crush on Logan, but you’d never guess it from the way she talked to him. The way she talked about him when he wasn’t there was a different matter altogether. But watching her greet him and ask him about work, you’d think he was merely a co-worker, and one she barely tolerated.

  Angel leaned in and spoke quietly. “Are you hiding something?”

  Maria shook her head. She desperately wanted to tell her friend what was happening, but this wasn’t her secret. It was Zack’s. She’d have to talk to him about it. He obviously trusted Luke enough to tell him that he liked her, she hoped he’d be okay with her talking to Angel about him—she needed to have a girlfriend to share with.

  Chapter Six

  Zack leaned back in his chair and watched the girls dance. Mostly, he watched Maria’s ass dance, but he couldn’t help it. And it wasn’t as though it was anything that would give away his interest in her—he’d never been able to hide his interest in that ass.

  He frowned as Logan leaned over and gave him a lecherous grin as he pointed his bottle toward Maria’s rear end. “What I wouldn’t give …”

  Zack sucked in a deep breath. He was protective of all the girls. He often reminded Logan that he should be a bit more respectful, but right now, he didn’t feel like being the voice of reason. He felt more like landing his fist in the middle of Logan’s face.

  Logan sat back. Even though Zack hadn’t moved, he must have given off a wave of anger or something that had made his thoughts clear.

  Logan held up a hand. “Sorry, bro. I forgot. You have a sweet spot for our Maria, don’t you?”

  Damn. On his first night of trying to hide how he felt about her, he was already making it obvious.

  Luke came to his rescue. “It’s not about having a sweet spot for anyone. It’s about having a bit of respect for everyone. You’re talking about a friend; she’s not a piece of meat.”

  Logan held his hands up apologetically. “I know. Sorry. You’re right. I think I’ve played the game so long, that it’s hard to see it as anything more than a game—and the players as more than pieces.” He chuckled and added. “Of ass.”

  Zack shook his head at him. “You were doing well there. I almost thought you were sincere.”

  “I was. I am. I just can’t resist saying the line when I see it. I don’t mean any harm. You know that. I just like to have fun—but only with girls who are looking for that kind of fun. I’d never …” He shook his head. “Sorry, guys, I was only having a laugh.”

  Zack gave him a rueful smile. “You’re fine. I just get a bit protective.”

  Logan rolled his eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know. The rumors about you being from some kind of mafia family didn’t get started for nothing, you know. Even if I wanted to make a move on Maria, I wouldn’t dare. You’re like the big brother mafioso.”

  Zack tried to laugh it off, but it made him wonder. Had he always been more protective—too protective of Maria because of the way he felt about her? Had he been giving himself away without even knowing it?

  Luke caught his eye. “Yeah, he’s like a big brother to all of them.”

  Logan pursed his lips. “Kind of, but especially Maria. We all knew you had a thing for Angel. And Roxy … well, Roxy’s something else.”

  Zack was eager to shift the focus away to himself. He smiled. “What about Roxy?”

  Logan laughed. “She wouldn’t even give me the time of day, let alone anything else.”

  Luke smirked at Zack. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Damned sure. She’s not that kind of girl. She’d shut me down in a heartbeat.”

  “I think she would if you tried your usual approach with her—she’s not going to fall into bed with you,” said Zack, “but what about, if you asked her out?”

  Logan looked at him as if he’d gone crazy. “Asked her out?” He laughed. “You do know this is me you’re talking to, right? I don’t ask women out. I ask them if they want to sleep with me.”

  “Why, though?” asked Austin who was sitting on the other side of him.

  Logan shrugged and took a swig of his beer. “Because who needs the hassle?”

  Zack laughed. “Spoken like a true commitment-phobe.”

  Logan grinned at him. “It takes one to know one.”

  Zack shrugged. He wasn’t afraid of commitment—at least, not for its own sake, but if Logan and anyone else wanted to believe that about him, that was fine—and might actually be a good thing.

  They all looked up as the girls came back from the dance floor. Angel came and sat on Luke’s knee and landed a kiss on his lips. Zack had to avoid looking at Maria. He wished that she could do the same to him.

  Roxy sat down next to Colt with a smile. “What’s going on in your world, officer?” she asked. “Anything interesting? Any crime sprees we need to be aware of?”

  Colt shook his head. “This is Summer Lake … there’s rarely anything too bad going on.”

  Zack nodded. He was glad of it.

  Roxy shrugged. “One day there’ll be something mega-exciting.”

  Zack hoped not.

  “But in the meantime,” Roxy turned to Austin. “What about you? Anyone new and interesting moved to town lately?”

  Austin shrugged. As a realtor he would know about new people moving to town, but he didn’t look comfortable with the question. “You know I don’t like to talk about newcomers or who’s buying and selling.”

  Logan grinned at him. “Only because you want to get to know the new chicks before anyone else knows they’re here.”

  Colt blew out a sigh. “Not everyone thinks like you do, Logan.”

  Logan grinned at Roxy. Maybe he was looking for sympathy, but he didn’t get any from her. She looked at Austin instead. “Does he mean that there are some new girls moved to town?”

  Austin nodded, and looked uncomfortable.

  Zack raised an eyebrow at him. “You don’t like them?”

  Colt laughed. “He likes one of them a little too much. And Nadia is not happy about it.”

  Zack gave Austin a sympathetic smile. Austin had been seeing Nadia for as long as Zack had been here, but what Zack couldn’t figure out was why. She was one of those high-maintenance, pretty, but picky girls—the kind Zack didn’t have any time for.

  “Who are they?” asked Maria.

  “They’re sisters. Amber and Jade. Their grandma runs the post office—Lenny.”

  “Oh. Lenny’s lovely,” said Maria. “She’s told me about her granddaughters before. She adores them. She must be so happy that they’re here.”

  “You haven’t heard?” asked Colt. “Lenny had a heart attack. Amber and Jade have come to help out. Jade’s going to run the post office and Amber’s going to be taking care of Lenny.”

  “Oh, no. I didn’t know. Is Lenny in the hospital or is she home? I’d like to go and see her.”

  “She’s still in the hospital,” said Austin.

  Zack wanted to put his arm around Maria’s shoulders. She looked upset at the news. It didn’t surprise him. That was the way she was. He wouldn’t have even known the name of the woman who worked at the post office. Maria knew who she was, knew about her granddaughters and obviously cared about her.

  “She’s going to be okay.” Austin gave Maria a reassuring smile. “They said she should be able to come home by the end of next week.”

  Logan smirked at him. “Who said that—and how do you know?”

  Austin shook his head. “Amber told me, when I talked to her earlier about the apartment they’re renting.”

  “And does Nadiaa know that you talked to Amber earlier?”

  Austin rol
led his eyes. “Can we change the subject? There’s nothing going on, and Nadia’s …” He shrugged. Zack willed Logan not to say what he knew at least half the people around the table were thinking—that Nadia was a bitch.

  Maria smiled brightly around at everyone. “We should change the subject and we should get you guys up and dancing. Come on. We’re supposed to be out for a good time, not to sit around gossiping. She got her feet and grabbed Zack’s hand. “Roxy, see if you can get Austin onto the dance floor.”

  Roxy grinned and dragged him to his feet. “It’ll do you good,” she said with a smile. “I might not be a precious gem, but at least you know Nadia’s not going to mind if she hears you were dancing with me.”

  Zack saw that Angel had gone to get Colt up. That made him smile. These girls tried so hard to make sure no one was left out. His smile faded as Maria looped her arms around his neck and looked up into his eyes.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I hope this is okay, but I figured everyone needed to get away from that conversation and I had to come up with something to get my hands on you again.”

  Zack laughed as he closed his arms around her. “This is more than okay. It’s perfect.”

  She pressed herself a little closer against him, making heat rush through his veins. “Not quite perfect,” she said with a smile, “but a little closer to it than we were.”

  He pursed his lips. What he really wanted to do was lower them to hers and kiss her. Then take her home, take her to bed—and see how close to perfect they could get. Instead, he drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then he gritted his teeth when someone tapped his shoulder and he turned to see Logan grinning at him.