Beau (Remington Ranch Book 4) Read online

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  Beau shook his head. “No, it’s right. With Mom and Dad going down to Arizona for the winter, it’d be weird for the place to stand empty. I don’t really have a problem with you guys moving in there at all.” He hesitated, wondering whether he should let Mason in on his plans. What the hell, Mase was trying to open things up between them, to talk honestly about the changes they both knew were coming. Their dad was going to divide the ranch between them all. The four brothers and Chance. Beau’s problem with Chance getting an equal share didn’t have anything to do with the cottage though. He smiled. “I’m going to tell you something if you can keep it under your hat till I’m ready to tell the folks.”

  Mason raised an eyebrow. “You’re pregnant?”

  Beau had to laugh. “Nope. I’m relieved to say I’m not. Though sorry to say that it’d have to be an immaculate conception if I was.”

  Mason patted his shoulder. “Poor Beau. You just need to get laid, that’d help you chill a bit I’m sure.”

  “Yeah. Whatever. Do you want to know what I’m up to or not?”

  “Course I do.”

  “Okay. Well, since you and Gina are going to be moving out of the cottage, I’m going to give it to Mom and Dad.”

  “Wow! Give it to them?”

  Beau nodded. “What do you think?”

  Mason nodded slowly. Then looked up at Beau with a grin. “I think it’s awesome. I mean it’s one thing me and G living in the big house while the folks are down in Arizona for the winter. But I have been wondering what we’re going to do when they come back in the spring.”

  “Exactly. I don’t see the four of you sharing the place. It’s big enough, but that’s hardly the point.”

  “I know. Dad was talking about maybe buying a little house up in town, but I can’t see either of them being happy there.”

  “I can’t imagine them not being on the ranch. I figure this is the best of all worlds. You’re going to be running the place, you should be here. But the cottage is right there.” He turned and pointed past the barn to where the roof of the cottage was just visible. They’ll still be on the ranch, still be around everyone, but not responsible for everything.”

  Mason grasped his shoulder. “It’s a great idea, Beau. And I know they both love the place. Every time they come over Mom goes on about how sweet it is.”

  Beau nodded. He should be happy at that news, but part of him couldn’t help thinking that they never came over to his place in town. That was dumb though. They went to the cottage because it was right there on their doorstep. “Well. Don’t say anything to anyone yet. I’m going to tell them in the next couple of days. I’m just waiting for the right time.”

  “Of course not.” Mason turned at the sound of neighing inside the barn. He smiled. “That’s little Gypsy by the sounds of it. I’d better go turn her out.” He gave Beau a look he didn’t quite understand. “She’s got as much to say for herself as her little rider does.”

  Beau made a face. “She’s not that bad.”

  Mason laughed. “Neither’s Ruby really. She gave me a kiss after her lesson today.”

  Beau shuddered at the thought, making Mason laugh again.

  “I saw you chatting with her mom.”

  Hmm. What was he supposed to say about that, he wondered. He didn’t know, so he just nodded.

  “She’s a good-looking woman,” said Mason.

  “She is.”

  Mason raised an eyebrow. “Not your type?”

  It was Beau’s turn to laugh. “Physically, she’s my type, but she’s the mother of the monster.”


  “So how in the hell could a guy take her out on a date?”

  “Quite simple. You ask. You go out.”

  “Yeah, right. And then you see each other a couple of times, and you want to do something fun on the weekend. What do you do? You have to take the monster with you anywhere you go.”


  “And where’s the fun in that? She’s a two-foot tyrant! A menace to society. You can’t have any fun with her around. She has to be the center of everything.”

  “She’s five years old. That’s what they do.”


  Mason chuckled. “So you’re not interested then?”

  Beau shook his head rapidly. “No. I find Corinne attractive.” Talk about an understatement! “But not attractive enough to have to get involved with Ruby as well.”

  Mason rubbed his chin looking thoughtful.

  “Why?” asked Beau. “What does it matter to you?”

  “Nothing. Doesn’t matter to me at all. I just wondered. Seems like most of the guys find her as attractive as you do. I don’t think they mind Ruby though.” He shrugged. “I guess I’m just curious to see what’ll happen. There aren’t too many young, attractive single women around here are there?”

  “No.” Beau sighed. And it was just his luck that the one who had shown up had decided he was an asshole. And why wouldn’t she? He’d told her that her daughter was a monster who gave kids a bad name!

  “I’d better get moving,” said Mason. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You too.” Beau watched him walk back into the barn before turning back to Troy who had waited patiently while they talked. “Come on then, buddy. Let’s get you back out.”

  Troy snorted and nodded his head as if in agreement, making Beau laugh.

  After he’d turned Troy out, he made his way up to the big house and let himself into the kitchen. He was surprised to find Carter and Summer in there.

  “Hey,” said Carter. “I hear you took Troy out.”

  “Yup. We had a good time of it too.”

  “Good for you. It does you good. At least I know it does me good. I’ve been riding a lot more since Summer’s been learning, and I’m loving getting to spend time with Jake again.”

  Beau smiled. He was happy for Carter. “Yeah. I might not have as good a reason as you have for riding again, but it did do me good.”

  “I can see it, darling,” said his mom who had appeared in the hallway. “You look more relaxed than I’ve seen you in a long time. You work too hard, you should play more.”

  He nodded. “I’m trying. I took off work early yesterday and I came out to ride today.”

  Summer smiled at him. “And you’re coming out to dinner on Wednesday.”

  He nodded.

  “Oh good.” His mom had an odd gleam in her eye.

  “We’ve all been having dinner once a week for a while now, Mom. You know that.”

  “Yes, but this week the numbers will be even for the first time.”

  He cocked his head to one side, not understanding.

  Carter grinned at him. “Shane’s new manager is going to join us. Corinne. She doesn’t know anyone yet, so the girls wanted to invite her.”

  Beau didn’t know how to react. His heart was racing and his palms were sweaty. Just like the first time he’d heard her voice. But that had been because he found that voice, and then her appearance, very attractive. Now he wasn’t so sure how he felt. He’d made a fool of himself this afternoon talking about Ruby. And he’d no doubt pissed Corinne off in the process. Spending an evening in her company wasn’t going to be too comfortable after that. And it wouldn’t be comfortable at all if she was going to bring Ruby! How could that work? Their family dinners were a time to catch up and laugh—and talk freely, not mind their language and explain things to a five year old.

  “Do you mind?” Summer was giving him a puzzled look.

  He shook his head. “Of course not. It just hit me that I might not be able to make it on Wednesday. I have to go over to Billings and I’m not sure what time I’ll be back.”

  That was bullshit and the looks on the faces staring back at him told him that they knew it. Well? What was he supposed to do?

  “Anyway. I was just stopping in to say hi, before I left. I need to get going.” He went to his mom and gave her a hug.

  “Your dad should be back any minut
e. Don’t you want to wait so you can see him?”

  “I’ll catch him next time. See ya.” He turned around and let himself back out, then he ran back to his truck and started it up. He drove the length of the driveway and out onto East River Road before he let his breath out. What the hell was that all about? So he was disappointed that Ruby was going to spoil his night with his brothers. That was no reason to turn tail and leave, was it? He thought about it while he drove back up the valley toward town. No, it really wasn’t. But the thought of being around Ruby for the evening wasn’t really what had unsettled him. It was the thought of being around Corinne that had done that. He knew damned well that his brothers would immediately spot what was going on—how attracted he was to her. He didn’t need that!

  ~ ~ ~

  Corinne had just got Ruby down for a nap when she heard a tap on the front door. She wasn’t sure she liked this. She hadn’t even been here a week, yet there was always someone stopping by. She wasn’t used to it. She had to smile when she opened the front door and saw Summer standing there. Summer was a sweet, kind person, but it was weird to be hanging out with someone she’d only previously known as a voice singing on the radio.

  “Hi. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”

  “It’s okay. I’ll step outside. I just got Ruby to sleep.” She pulled the front door to behind her.

  “I’m sorry,” said Summer.

  “It’s not a problem. It’s as much for your sake as mine. If she wakes up and sees you, she’ll want to keep you.”

  Summer smiled. “She’s a little sweetheart.”

  Corinne liked to think so. But what Beau had said this afternoon had upset her. And it did have her wondering. She knew Ruby was strong-willed. She encouraged her to speak her mind, but she tried to teach her to do so respectfully, and to understand that adults were the ones in charge. She was a character, but she wasn’t rude or naughty. At least that’s what Corinne had thought. Beau seemed to think otherwise. “Do you really think so?”

  “Of course I do, why?”

  Corinne sighed. “Sorry. It’s just someone said something today that made me wonder.”

  “Oh no. Who? Said what?”

  “That doesn’t matter. I just wanted a reality check. He had me wondering if I’m blinded by my love for her and if she really is a little monster like he thinks.”

  “Beau!” Summer shook her head.

  “How did you know that?”

  Summer gave her an apologetic smile. “Ruby took quite a liking to him when she first met him. He didn’t know how to handle that. Or to handle her. It’s not that he doesn’t like her or anything. He’s just not used to kids. None of the Remington brothers are.”

  “Well, the others seem to do just fine with her. Mason had her eating out of his hand. He didn’t think she was a monster!”

  Summer touched her arm. “I don’t think Beau does either. He just doesn’t know how to deal with her. He’s a good guy really.”

  “Yeah. He’s just got his head up his ass!”

  Summer laughed. “Oh, so you have had a chance to get to know him then?”

  Corinne smiled. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. But it’s what Ruby came out with. Apparently she overheard Cassidy.”

  “I’m sorry. Cassidy’s another one who doesn’t know how to behave around children. I’ll tell her to watch her language.”

  “No. You can’t do that. We can’t just come in here and make everyone change their ways. I do understand that.”

  “It’s not exactly a big deal. It’s what you do, when you’re used to kids. It’s just that these guys aren’t. They’ll get used to it, just give them a chance.”

  “I suppose. You sound as though you’re used to kids.”

  Summer nodded. “I have a lot of cousins who are much younger. I haven’t spent much time with them in the last few years, but in our family there were always little ones around. And, believe me, compared to most of them, Ruby is an absolute angel!”

  “She is a little strong-willed.”

  Summer smiled. “And that’s a good thing. She knows her own mind and she’s not afraid to speak it.”

  “That’s true. I should forget it. Forget Beau.”

  Summer raised an eyebrow.

  Oh, no. Corinne had to hope that Summer didn’t realize that it was more than his opinion of Ruby that had gotten to her. “He’s just a guy who doesn’t like kids. It’s not as though we’re going to run into him that often.”

  “He’s a good-looking guy,” said Summer.

  Corinne nodded. There was no point denying it. All the Remington men were.

  “And you’ll probably run into him on Wednesday evening.”

  Corinne’s heart leaped, and then sank. “We don’t have to come.”

  “Yes, you do! We invited you. We want you there.”

  “But I don’t want to spoil things. You’re used to having a grown-ups night. I’m sure Beau won’t want Ruby spoiling it for him.”

  “She won’t spoil it for him. Or anyone. He might not even make it. He says he’s got some meeting to go to and might not be back in time. I just wanted to warn you.” Summer smiled. “And to see what your reaction might be. You like him, don’t you?”

  Corinne met her gaze. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t deny it, but she didn’t want to admit it. She shrugged. “He’s a good-looking guy. That’s all I know about him. That and the fact that he doesn’t like my daughter. How could I like him when he thinks Ruby’s a monster?”

  Summer gave her a knowing look. “He doesn’t. Anyway. I just came over to give you my number before we go home. I realized you didn’t have it. If ever you want me to keep an eye on Ruby for you, you just give me a call, okay?”

  “Thank you!” It was so strange to think that she was living out here in the middle of nowhere and now if she needed someone to watch Ruby, she could call the country superstar, Summer Breese! Once she saved the number in her phone, she looked up at Summer. “Do you mind if I ask you something?

  “Ask away.”

  “How’s your voice doing? You sound perfectly fine most of the time.”

  Summer smiled. “I am. It’s doing great. It gets a little bit scratchy if I talk too much for too long, as you’ll probably notice on Wednesday, but it’s so much better than it was. It seems it was stress that made it worse, and I was stressed about a lot of things. Now I’m not. I’m happy.” She certainly looked happy. Who wouldn’t be if they were engaged to Carter? He was gorgeous and he obviously adored her. They made such a cute couple.

  “And that’s all down to you coming here, and to Carter?”

  Summer nodded. “It is. When I came here I thought all I was looking for was some peace and quiet and a rest. I had no idea I’d find everything I didn’t know I was looking for. Everything I need to be happy.”

  “I’m glad it worked out that way for you.”

  “You never know, it might work out that way for you.”

  Corinne shook her head. “I came here for a job, and hopefully to build a good life for Ruby.”

  “And who knows what else you might find.”

  They both looked up at the sound of a truck approaching. Summer smiled. “I told him I’d walk back up.”

  Corinne smiled at the sight of Carter leaning out of his truck window. She would have waved, but he only had eyes for Summer. That was a man in love if ever she’d seen one.

  “I’d better go.”

  “Okay, see you. And thanks for your number, and the offer.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure. I do love Ruby, don’t you go thinking anything else okay?”


  Chapter Five

  “What in hell’s name is wrong with you today?” asked Wanda.

  Beau turned to scowl at her. “Is that any way to talk to your boss?”

  She laughed. “It is when he’s behaving like a butt hurt five year old. What’s your problem?”

  “I don’t have a problem. Unless you count
having an assistant who can’t keep her nose out of my personal business as a problem. Then I’d say you’re my problem.”

  Wanda shook her head. “Okay, so it’s your personal business that’s got you in a tizzy, is it? As long as you’re not losing money, or about to go bankrupt. I need this job. I didn’t know you had a personal life. I thought you just locked yourself inside your fancy house at the end of the day and ceased to exist until business needed you again in the morning. So come on, tell your Auntie Wanda. What’s upsetting my Beau-Beau?”

  Beau pushed his chair away from his desk and leaned his head back against the wall. He looked up at the ceiling and let out a reluctant laugh. “You know I should fire your ass?”

  Wanda smiled. “Apart from two small details. For one, you wouldn’t know what to do without me anymore, and for two, no one else in this town would work for you. You’re screwed, you’re stuck with me. So why don’t you tell me why you’ve been stomping around all day like a toddler in a tantrum?”

  “A toddler in a tantrum?”

  Wanda folded her arms across her ample bosom and leaned in the doorway to his office. She nodded her head firmly.

  “That’s harsh.”

  “It’s true is what it is.”

  Beau sighed. “If you really want to know, I’m supposed to go to dinner at Carter and Summer’s place tonight.” He stopped. He wasn’t really going to explain to Wanda what had on him on edge, was he?

  “And?” She raised an eyebrow. “I thought dinner with your brothers was one of the few things in life you actually enjoy?”

  “It is. Usually.”

  “So what’s different about this time? What’s got your panties in a wad?”

  He had to laugh. “Okay. If you really want to know…” He stopped again, not quite believing he was going to admit it.

  “I do. So spill. Tell your Auntie Wanda all about it.”

  He shook his head at her. “I can’t believe I’m going to tell you. We both know you’re only going to give me shit.”

  She nodded eagerly. “Just tell me already.”

  He blew out a sigh. “Okay. Well, you know Shane brought in a new manager for the lodge at the ranch?”