Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7) Page 3
He turned to look at Elle. She was smiling at him, at least.
“Thank you.”
He’d guess she didn’t just mean for reading the story. But he didn’t need to go reading too much into the look in her eyes as she watched her daughter hug on him. Instead, he kept things light, and smiled back at her.
“Thank you for letting me read.” He looked down at Skye. “That was awesome. Benji’s a cool mouse. I like Frankie, too.”
Skye nodded happily. “He’s a venture mouse. My grandma’s a venture mouse. Are you a venture mouse?”
Elle laughed beside him as he tried to figure out just what Skye was asking.
“She means, do you like to go on adventures—do fun stuff.”
“Oh.” He smiled at Skye. “Yeah. I guess I’m a venture mouse. Are you?”
She nodded. “I like ventures. You can come, too.” She looked at Elle. “Can he come on our venture tomorrow?”
Donovan’s heart raced. He’d been trying to figure out how he could ask to see them again, and Skye was giving him an in.
“I’m sure he wouldn’t want to, Skye.”
Donovan wanted to laugh at the way Skye’s little eyebrows knit together. “You do, don’t you?” she asked. “You like ventures. You want to come.”
He was tempted to say that yes, he did. But that wouldn’t be fair to Elle—to leave her having to be the bad guy who said no if she didn’t want him along. “I’d like to, but I don’t know if I can.” He looked at Elle. “What’s the venture?”
She smiled through pursed lips. “I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to even if you wanted to. It’s not a big adventure, we’re just going to the park tomorrow. Monday’s my day off and we like to get out—play on the swings and feed the ducks.”
“What time?” He wanted to go, but she was no doubt talking about during the day, and he had work.
“We go at around eleven-thirty. Before madam’s lunch and nap time.” She gave him a puzzled look before turning to Skye. “You know how Mommy has to work most days? Well, Monday is my day off but Donovan—”
“I could come for an hour—make it my lunch break.” Leanne kept telling him he could cut his hours back. They were almost caught up with everything. He raised an eyebrow at Elle. He’d gone and put her on the spot but …
He let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding when she smiled. “Okay. If you want.”
“Yay! Dondervan’s coming on our venture!”
The big silly grin on his face faded when he looked up and found Callahan watching them again.
“I should probably go and check on everyone. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he hadn’t invited everyone over so that he could sit here and ignore them all.
“You probably should.”
“But you can’t leave until I have your number.”
She smiled. “Okay, but you don’t need to call if you can’t make it. I’ll understand.”
He shook his head. “I’ll be there.”
~ ~ ~
Elle enjoyed the rest of the party. Skye ran around making friends with everyone until she finally wore herself out. She’d been asleep in her stroller for half an hour by the time Cal and her mom came to find her.
“Are you ready to go, sweetheart?”
“Yeah. I need to get madam home to bed. I can call a cab if you guys want to stay?”
“No! We want to get you both home.”
Elle followed them to go and say thanks and goodbye to Donovan. A little shiver ran down her spine when he looked over and smiled at her. He’d come back to check in with her and Skye several times, but they hadn’t been alone together since he read Skye her story. Elle wondered if he’d even remember about coming to the park tomorrow.
She watched him say goodnight to her mom and Cal. She was hardly going to give him her number in front of them. She was disappointed, but not surprised when he didn’t even ask for it.
“Thanks again for coming.”
“Thanks for inviting us. It was good.” He really was gorgeous. His full lips looked so soft and so very kissable … damn, she had to stop that. She gave him a rueful smile and turned to leave.
Unfortunately, she managed to catch the wheel of the stroller on the edge of a paver and jolted Skye awake.
“Where are we going, Mommy?”
“It’s time to go home now.”
Skye sat up and looked around. She relaxed when she saw her grandma and Cal but kept looking until she spotted Donovan. Then she smiled.
“Night, night, Dondervan.”
Elle’s heart melted when he squatted down beside her. “Goodbye, Skye.”
Shoot! Elle closed her eyes as Skye’s wail tore through the air.
Elle blew out a sigh and got her out of the stroller. This was going to take a minute. Her mom looked back at her. “You settle her down. We’ll go and get the car.”
Elle nodded while she comforted her daughter. “It’s okay, sweet pea. It’s all okay.” She hugged her tight and rocked her. Skye buried her hot, wet little face in Elle’s neck and clung to her as she sobbed.
Donovan looked horrified. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what … What did I do?”
She gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. She’s …”
“Nooo!” Skye was still sobbing on her shoulder, but she lifted her tear-stained face and looked at Donovan. “Please don’t say goodbye.”
Elle had to blink away tears of her own. It broke her heart to hear the pain in that little voice.
Donovan surprised the hell out of her when he reached for Skye and she grabbed at him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he took her from Elle.
“I didn’t mean goodbye.”
Skye sniffed and looked at him, her lower lip still trembling.
“I meant see you tomorrow.”
Skye wiped the back of her hand across her eyes. “You’re coming on our venture?”
He glanced at Elle and nodded. “I am. I told you I would, and I will. Mommy didn’t give me her number, but I asked Ally for it anyway.”
Elle tried to hide a smile. And she thought he’d forgotten.
“Do you want me to bring her out to the car?”
Elle followed his gaze to see her mom standing at the corner of the house. “No, it’s okay. Thanks.” She took Skye back and sat her on one hip so she could push the empty stroller.
“Can I call you in the morning?”
She nodded. It was probably a bad idea. But if he wanted to hang out with them at the park, it probably wouldn’t do any harm either.
Skye was asleep again by the time Elle had her safely settled in her car seat. Cal pulled his Suburban out onto the street and Elle’s mom turned to look at her.
“What set her off?”
Elle blew out a sigh. “Donovan said goodbye.”
“Oh.” Her mom made a face but didn’t comment.
Cal caught her gaze in the rearview mirror and raised an eyebrow. But he didn’t ask, and she didn’t want to explain. She was hoping with time that Skye would forget—and that she would, too.
Chapter Three
“Do you have a problem this morning?”
Donovan looked up to see Leanne scowling at him.
“No. Why?”
She gave him a stern look. “Because you’re fidgety. You never fidget. You’re like this calm, steady, reassuring presence—usually. But this morning you’re giving off weird vibes, like you don’t want to be here, and you’re late for wherever you do want to be.”
He let out a short laugh. “Sorry.”
Leanne smiled. “Don’t apologize. Explain. This is the first time I can ever remember seeing you agitated. So, I want to know what’s causing it.”
He frowned. He wasn’t sure he wanted to tell her. What he really wanted to do was call Elle. He planned to go and meet them in the park at eleven-thirty, but before he did, he wanted to know what he’d done to upset Skye last night—he w
anted to make sure that he didn’t do it again, whatever it was.
“Are you going to make me guess?”
Leanne’s question brought him back to the office. She had a glint in her eye and a teasing smile on her face.
Shit. Had she figured him out? He blew out a sigh. “I’d rather you didn’t guess. And I’d rather not have to explain. But I don’t suppose I’ll get away with that, will I?”
She laughed. “This is me you’re talking to. Have you ever, in all these years, known me to let anyone get off lightly with anything?”
“Okay. So, I’m guessing that you have a certain cute blonde on your mind. Actually, make that two cute blondes.”
He pursed his lips and tried to hide his smile. He should have known that she’d know.
She laughed and rubbed her hands together. “Like I needed to guess! It was so freaking obvious yesterday. I wanted to take a picture of the three of you sitting on the sofa reading a book—you were like some kind of commercial for the perfect little family unit.”
Donovan gave her a stern look. “Okay. Yes. I like her. But you don’t need to go overboard.”
Leanne laughed again. “I’m not. It was adorable! I was hoping that sparks would fly but then the two of you avoided each other the rest of the night, so I wasn’t sure.”
“I didn’t avoid her. I just … I had guests to take care of. That’s the first time I’ve hosted a party, or any kind of gathering. I didn’t want to mess up.”
“Aww. Well, you didn’t mess up. It was a great time. Everyone enjoyed themselves—and you’ve got Manny talking about making it a regular thing—not gathering at your house but getting everyone out together. You know, team building.”
Donovan had to smile at that. Team building had been his intention with the housewarming party. He’d love to think that he’d been the impetus to make it a regular thing.
“But you still haven’t explained to me why you’re fidgety.”
He glanced at the clock. He didn’t particularly want to tell her, but he knew he’d have to. There was no way that he’d just disappear for an hour without letting her know and as soon as he said he was leaving she’d want to know why.
“I’m going to take a lunch break today.”
“You are?” She gave him an evil smile. “That’s a great idea. I can come with. We can go to the bakery and—”
“Err, no.”
“Aww, but why?” She tried to look innocent but didn’t manage to pull it off.
“I think you already know—so why don’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know, but I’m hoping that you’re going to maybe have lunch with Elle?”
He nodded.
“That’s awesome!” She slapped his shoulder. “What are you sitting around here for? What time are you meeting her? I thought you looked sharp today.” She sniffed the air around him. “And extra cologne, right?”
“Did I overdo it?”
“Nah! I’m only teasing. Seriously, though, what time do you need to go?”
“I said I’d meet them at eleven-thirty.”
Leanne checked her watch. “You’d better get your ass into gear then. And when you say you’re meeting them, you mean she’s bringing Skye?”
“Yeah. It’s not a date or anything. They’re going to the park and she—Skye—invited me.”
Leanne laughed. “Damn! And I thought you were sneaking off for a nooner.”
He made a face at her. “I’m not going to dignify that with an answer.”
“Only because you wish I was right.” She looked more serious now. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather find yourself someone like that? Someone who could just meet you for a quickie? I like Elle, but she’s a single mom; they come with a whole different set of rules and restraints.”
“I know.”
“Sorry. I know you don’t ever do anything without thinking it through first, but …” She shrugged. “I want to see you happy.”
He nodded and looked at the clock again. He knew she meant well. She was only trying to look out for him in her own way. “Thanks, boss lady. I know what you mean. But Elle’s just … I don’t know. Let’s just say she turned my head around. And her having Skye isn’t a problem for me.”
“Okay. I’ll let it go. I don’t like the idea of you getting saddled with someone else’s baggage. But we can’t help who we fall for, can we?”
“What was that?”
They both turned to see Ryan standing in the doorway.
Leanne laughed and rolled her eyes at Donovan. “I was saying that we can’t help who we fall for. Take me for example …”
Ryan narrowed his eyes at her and came into the office. “What about you?”
Leanne put her hands on her hips. “You should probably go while the going’s good, Donovan. Take all the time you need. Take the afternoon off if you want. It’s fine. It might take me a minute to remind this guy why I should never have fallen for him.”
Donovan hurried out, smiling as the sound of Leanne’s laughter followed him down the hallway.
~ ~ ~
“Can we go now?”
Elle laughed at the sight of Skye climbing into her stroller by the front door. “We’re going in just a minute.” She went back to the kitchen to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. She was in a tizzy—and she knew it.
She’d been taking Skye to the park on Mondays for the last few weeks and usually it was a chill outing. She got their stuff together, they wandered down there, had some fun. She didn’t usually run around in a panic making sure that she had everything.
She checked herself out in the mirror in the hallway. She didn’t usually do her hair and makeup either. Or wear her best butt-hugging jeans with a plaid shirt tied off at her waist. But it was warmer today. Who was she trying to kid? She’d gone to all this effort because she was hoping Donovan would come. He hadn’t called though, so she was prepared for him to not show. He’d probably come to his senses since last night—and she’d do well to do the same. He was a single, successful, good-looking guy. He was new in town, had a great job. Why would he waste his time with a single mom?
He’d soon figure it out. He could live it up as much as he liked. Life at the lake was great for singles, especially when tourist season kicked off, which it would soon. The resort would be busy, there’d be lots of new fun folks coming through all the time. A guy like Donovan could have a different girl every weekend if he wanted.
“Can we go now?” The petulant tone in Skye’s voice brought Elle back to reality.
She didn’t need to worry about Donovan and what he could be doing. She needed to concentrate on herself and her daughter and what they should be doing. And what they should be doing right now was going on a little adventure to the park and enjoying themselves, whether a certain handsome lawyer decided to join them or not.
Just as she closed the front gate behind them and maneuvered Skye’s stroller onto the sidewalk, her phone rang, and she grabbed it out of her purse. It was a San Francisco number. Donovan had moved here from San Francisco. But one of the collection agencies had their offices in San Francisco, too. Which would it be? She stared at the screen until it stopped ringing. She couldn’t deal with speaking to a collection agent right now.
She started pushing Skye’s stroller. She should get her daughter to the park and try to take her mind off whoever might be calling from San Francisco.
She’d only gone a few steps when her phone beeped with a voicemail. She had to know.
“Hi, Elle. It’s Donovan. Sorry I didn’t get the chance to call you earlier. I’m on my way to the park now. I hope I’ll see you both there.”
She pressed her lips together in an attempt to keep her smile in, but she didn’t succeed.
~ ~ ~
Donovan parked his truck in the parking lot and looked around. He’d known where the park was, but he hadn’t come here before—he’d had no reason to. There was a hedge on this side of the parking lot, with a p
ath going through a gap. He assumed that the play area was on the other side. And a pond maybe, too, since Elle had said they were going to feed the ducks.
He got out of the truck and scanned the few cars. He didn’t know what she drove, or even if she’d be coming on foot. It dawned on him for the first time that he should perhaps have made more specific arrangements. It didn’t matter. He’d find her one way or another. And he had to smile at the thought that next time, he’d be much more specific. He planned to ask if he could take her out.
He wasn’t in a hurry. He knew she’d have to figure out what to do with Skye. He’d give her all the time she needed. That was why he planned to ask her today—so that she could wrap her head around it and get used to the idea. He didn’t have any doubt that she was attracted to him. And that wasn’t an ego thing—he wasn’t one of those guys who thought that every woman wanted him. But he was realistic, and he knew that a fair few did, and Elle was one of them. Whether she’d act on that was a different matter entirely, but he was hoping.
He turned and laughed when he saw Skye sitting up straight in her stroller and waving her little arms in the air.
“Hello, Skye.”
She turned to look up at Elle. “Want out, Mommy!”
Donovan sucked in a deep breath when Elle came around to unfasten her from the stroller. She bent down, giving him an amazing view of her gorgeous ass. He shoved his hands in his pockets as the pressure mounted in the front of his pants. For all he’d just been thinking noble thoughts about her being a single mom and him taking his time, all he wanted in that moment was to take her somewhere where he could bend her over, get rid of those jeans and bury himself deep inside her.
He bit the inside of his cheek hard, in an attempt to bring himself back to his senses.
When Elle straightened up, Skye came running to him. “Hello, Dondervan! Come and feed the ducks. Did you bring bread?”