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Four Weddings & A Vendetta (Remington Ranch #5) Page 3

  Shane came around the side of the house as they were getting out of the truck. “Damn.” He looked at Summer. “What’s eating him?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Carter.

  Shane laughed. “You look like a bull about to charge, I swear I saw a puff of steam come out of your ears.” He winked at Summer. “Did you upset him?”

  She laughed. Carter loved that they all knew that the question was so ridiculous that they could laugh about it. “I didn’t, but I think talking about Guy Preston has activated all his protective instincts.”

  Carter nodded. “Yeah, sorry guys. Just the thought of him getting to any of you makes me feel like a bull ready to charge.”

  “Come on in and you can tell us what’s got you so wound up. Everyone’s here and it seems like everyone has a Guy war story to tell. I think we’re about to start circling the wagons, but I’m not sure I know why yet.”

  Carter patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t you worry your pretty head littlest brother. We’ll take care of you.”

  Shane laughed and pushed at him. “I can take care of you all, too. I guess I’m just too busy being a little ray of sunshine to smell trouble when it’s brewing. Let’s go in and join the powwow shall we?”

  Chapter Three

  Shane led Carter and Summer into the cabin where the others were all gathered. He was starting to wonder if he wasn’t totally clueless. He’d assumed Beau had just gotten a wild hair up his ass about Guy and that everyone else was just going along with it and using it as a chance to get together for dinner. When he and Cassidy had arrived at the cabin, Chance and Mason had made it clear they were concerned, and Carter was more rattled than Shane had seen him in years.

  “Hey, you two. Come on in. What can I get you to drink?” Corinne asked Carter and Summer.

  Shane made his way to where Cassidy was talking on her cell phone by the back door.

  She hung up with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I just needed to take care of that. Are you okay?”

  He nodded and slid an arm around her waist. “I’m fine, just feeling a bit useless.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Has someone dented that big old ego of yours? Who was it? You tell me and I’ll take care of them for you.”

  Shane shook his head and smiled at her through pursed lips. “My ego is just fine, thanks. Fully intact, you should know by now that there’s not much that can dent it. I’m just doing a spot of self-reflection and realizing that I still don’t see much of what’s going on around me.”

  She looked more serious. “What? What’s bothering you?”

  He shrugged. “It seems I was taking the whole deal about Guy much more lightly than everyone else is. They seem to think he might be a real threat.”

  Cassidy nodded. “I have a feeling they might be right. I don’t think you should be down on yourself though. You tend to focus on the brighter side of life, but when trouble’s coming, you’re right in there to help.”

  He nodded. “I am. Thanks, Princess.”

  “Sure thing. Now I guess we need to find out what kind of trouble they think is coming and what, if anything, we can do about it.” She turned to Chance. “So what’s going on with Preston?”

  Shane had to smile. She wasn’t one to wait around to be told what was going on; she was going to dive in and get everyone talking.

  Chance looked at her, then at each of the brothers in turn. “Do we want to get straight into this, or do we want to eat and catch up first?”

  “I say we eat first,” called Beau from the kitchen doorway. “Then we can get into it,” he jerked his head toward Ruby, “a little later.”

  Of course. Shane admired the way Beau had adapted so quickly to living with little Ruby. There must be all kinds of things to take into consideration when there were little ears listening in to everything that was said.

  Once they were all seated Shane grinned at Beau while he served the wine. “How long until your house is finished?”

  “It’ll still be a couple of months yet, but I’m moving them along as fast as I can.” He smiled around at everyone—Mason, Gina, Carter, Summer, and Cassidy were sitting at the table with Shane. Chance and Ruby were sharing a smaller table by the window and Corinne was waiting for Beau to join her at the breakfast counter. “I can’t wait to get into that new kitchen and to have you all over when we’ve got a table big enough where we can all eat together.”

  “This is wonderful, though,” said Summer. “It reminds me of being a kid. All the family’s here together, it doesn’t really matter where we sit, just that we’re together.”

  Shane smiled. Summer was so sweet. Before he’d met her he thought it was maybe just a part of the country music star persona that she projected, but now he knew her, it was just who she was.

  Cassidy laughed. “You’re just too sentimental, Summer. I’m with Beau, this is nice and everything, but I can see him being so much happier in a fancy house with a gourmet kitchen.”

  Beau nodded. “Who would ever have guessed that you’d turn out to be the one who understood me best?”

  Cassidy grinned. “Not me, that’s for sure. I would have guessed that no was ever going to be able to understand you.” She smiled at Corinne, “All it took was for this one to come along and unlock the doors and show us all that you’re just a big softy after all.”

  Corinne smiled, but she looked a little embarrassed. She fit in great with everyone, but Shane knew she still felt like a newcomer and a bit of an outsider when it came to the family. He felt partly responsible for that since he was her employer and she seemed to feel she should maintain a certain distance because of that. He wanted to make her feel like she belonged. “Yeah, Corinne, we’ve all got you to thank for making the family whole again. You gave us our Beau back and made us finally feel like we’re five brothers, instead of four plus one.”

  Beau grinned at Chance. “Which of you do you think he’s calling the plus one, bro?”

  Chance shrugged. “I guess whichever one of us wasn’t around at the time, but it doesn’t really matter anymore, does it?”

  “That was my whole point,” said Shane. He’d wanted to make Corinne feel included, not make Chance and Beau remember how they’d each felt excluded. “It doesn’t matter anymore and that’s all thanks to Corinne. And once she marries your ass, the family really will be whole.” He smiled at Corinne, but she was frowning at him. He didn’t understand what he’d said wrong until Ruby giggled. “Oh, shit, I meant to say…”

  Cassidy’s hand clasped over his mouth as the others started to laugh.

  “You’ll have to forgive my ass…” Shane almost choked on the laughter that couldn’t escape past her fingers. She was making the same mistake he had, but she saved it better. “…tronomically stupid fiancé.”

  Corinne laughed. “That’s okay. I know he means well.”

  “And he’s right,” piped up Ruby.

  Uh, oh, what was she going to come out with?

  “Mommy needs to marry my Beau so we can be a family.”

  “We already are, pumpkin.”

  “But I want you all to have a big wedding and all be mine!”

  The kid was starting to get that look about her, the one that worried Shane. It meant she was about to start kicking up a fuss.

  Shane again admired how far Beau had come in learning to deal with her as he went and scooped her up out of her chair. “We’re all going to get married, pumpkin. I know it’s important to you, but you need to understand that everyone loves you like you’re family already. And everyone has their own things to figure out about when they get married.”

  Ruby nodded sadly.

  Just when Shane thought disaster had been averted, he groaned inwardly when Cassidy spoke up. “We should talk about it though,” she said. “We all said one big wedding was a good idea when you two,” she looked from Corinne to Beau, “got engaged. I know no one’s dared to bring it up since, but that’s only because no one wants to upset anyone.” She shrugged. “Y
ou know me, I say we bring it out in the open and decide once and for all instead of everyone pussyfooting around.”

  Mason laughed. “I guess it needed you to bring it up, Cassidy. It’s easy for me and Gina, we know we’re going for the end of August. That much is for certain. We can play with the date a little.” The look he gave Gina made Shane wonder what was going on with them. “But not much. It’s up to the rest of you if you want to join in.”

  Carter took hold of Summer’s hand before he spoke. “We don’t know yet. We’d have to see if the date would work for Summer’s family.”

  “We’d love to, though,” added Summer.

  It seemed she liked the idea more than Carter did and that was saying something considering how much family meant to him.

  Beau was looking at Corinne, and her face broke into a big smile. “I’m with Ruby. I can’t wait to marry you and become a part of this family. I know Carly and James will do everything they can to get here for whatever date we choose. I’d love it to be the same day as everyone else so we can have that big wedding.”

  Beau carried Ruby over to her and Shane looked away feeling he was intruding on a very special moment as the three of them hugged.

  Cassidy was watching him.

  What?” he asked with a grin. “I figure you’ll tell me what we’re doing.”

  She laughed. “Still, a girl might like to be asked.”

  “A girl might,” he said as he slid his arm around her shoulders. “But not my Princess. You know I’ll marry you any day any time you say, I’m just waiting around like a puppy waiting for scraps from the dinner table.”

  “Asshole,” she mouthed silently.

  “That’d be me, apparently.” He slid off his chair and took hold of her hand as he went down on one knee. “Cassidy Lane, would you please do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man on earth? And if it suits you, would you please do it on the day that all my brothers get married too, so we can become one big happy family?”

  The love shone in her eyes as she pushed her long blonde hair back over her shoulders. “I thought you’d never ask. Yes, I would love to. I love the idea of us all getting married the same day.” She grinned around at the others. “And I’m going to hold you all responsible for making sure he never forgets our anniversary.”

  Gina laughed. “I never even thought of that, but it’s just one more upside.”

  “So, it’s decided then? You’re all getting married the same day?” asked Chance.

  “We still don’t know,” said Carter hurriedly.

  “But we want to,” added Summer. “I’m going to call Autumn tonight and see if she can make it.”

  “And Clay,” added Carter.

  She nodded. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “Great,” said Beau. “But can we figure out the details once I get the food served? It’s going to be ruined if we wait much longer.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Gina excused herself from the table as soon as everyone had finished eating. The food had been wonderful, but she hadn’t managed to eat much and the smell was now making her feel nauseous. She went to the bathroom and then stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. She was so happy that the others wanted to share their big day. Mason had been cautious about it at first, he didn’t want anyone stealing her thunder as he’d put it. She didn’t see it like that though. She wanted to share. She loved the idea that it wasn’t just her and Mason, or any of the others becoming a couple, it was also about them all becoming one big family. She hadn’t been sure how the other girls would feel, whether they might want their own special day. She would have understood that, but it seemed that much as they all loved their man, they knew what family meant to him—and it meant the same to them too. She was glad.

  She turned at the sound of people coming out the front door. She hoped no one wanted to check on her. She didn’t feel comfortable hiding her pregnancy from them, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to if Cassidy asked her why she’d turned down a glass of wine and why she was standing outside looking a little green around the gills.

  Mason hurried out, with Shane and Chance close on his heels and the others piling after them.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Your dad called. I need to get up there.”

  “What?” her heart was thundering in her chest. “What’s happened? Is he okay?”

  “Sorry, G.” Mason put a hand on her shoulder and she realized that the other guys were all heading for his truck. “He’s fine. There’s a fire in the barn. We need to get up there fast. You know how long it’ll take the fire crew to get out there.”

  Gina nodded and started making for the truck. “Come on!”

  He caught her arm. “I want you to wait here with the girls.”

  She let out a harsh little laugh. “And I want you to get real! No chance I am going to sit around here. It’s my dad!”

  “That’s what I said,” called Cassidy as she hurried out. She tossed Gina the keys to Shane’s truck. “We can follow them.”

  Mason scowled, but Gina didn’t give a damn. He could try to protect her all he liked but no way could he stop her from getting to her dad as fast as she damned well could. She shook her head at him and his face softened a little. “I’ll see you there.” She didn’t wait to see if he was going to argue before she ran to Shane’s truck where Cassidy was already sitting in the passenger seat waiting for her.

  Mason ran to his own truck to join the guys.

  “Thanks, Cass,” said Gina as she started up the truck and pulled out.

  “No worries. I knew how you’d feel. I’d be the same. I told Summer to stay behind. Corinne has to stay with Ruby and Summer’s better off with her. I knew Shane would give me the same shit Mason just gave you, so I figured we may as well make our way and not waste time arguing about it.”

  “Did my dad call Mason?”

  Cassidy nodded. “Yep. You could tell there was something wrong right away. He went all stony-faced and curt. Then he hung up and said Come on guys. Al needs us. It was like he issued a scramble order. I’ve never seen five big men move so fast in all my life.”

  “They’d do anything to help anyone, but especially my dad; they all love him.”

  “Oh, I know it. Shane thinks of him like a second dad. He’s told me so many stories about when you guys were kids and how good your dad’s always been. I love Al, too. He’s awesome.” She touched Gina’s arm. “And he’s going to be fine, Gina.”

  Gina didn’t realize there were tears streaming down her face until Cassidy offered her a tissue. “Thanks.” She dabbed at her eyes. “I didn’t even know they were leaking.” She gave her friend a grim smile. “I know he’s going to be fine. We’re going to make sure of it.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Carter sat in the back seat of Mason’s truck, wedged between Chance and Shane. He held his hat in his hands and realized he was turning it over and over.

  Shane gave him an odd look. “It’s okay, Big C. Al’s going to be fine. It’s just a fire in the barn; right, Mase?”

  “That’s what he said, but what I can’t figure is what the fuck might have started it.”

  Carter tightened the death grip he had on his hat. He had a nasty feeling in his gut that he knew what—or at least who had started it. He sucked in a deep breath and decided to hold his tongue. This wasn’t the time for it. What mattered most right now was getting to Al’s place and getting the fire put out. Once that was done—once they knew Al and his property were safe—they could talk about his suspicions. Maybe there’d be some obvious innocent cause and he wouldn’t need to go getting everyone riled up.

  He could feel Chance’s gaze boring into him. He didn’t want to meet his eye. But he did. Chance didn’t say a word. He didn’t need to. He was like that. Whenever he wanted to ask you something or tell you something, those light blue eyes of his did the job better than words ever could. Right now, they were steely blue and they asked, Are you thinking what I’m t

  Carter nodded and hung his head. He hadn’t talked to Chance much lately, but he’d no doubt heard the same rumors about the fire at the O’Connell place. An hour ago, they’d all been getting together to talk about how they might keep up their guard in case Guy Preston pulled any crazy shit on them. Now, Carter—and it seemed Chance too—would put money on the fact that he’d already started.

  Mason drove the truck up East River like a bat out of hell. Carter clung to his hat and gritted his teeth. He couldn’t allow it.

  Chance leaned in and spoke under his breath. “Don’t even think about it, C. You’re the one with the protective instincts. If he’s on the attack, you do defense. If he’s already started…” He sighed. “Retaliation, vengeance? They’re my thing. You don’t need to go there.”

  Carter turned to look him in the eye. “Don’t. He’s not worth it, Chance.”

  Shane leaned over. “What’s going on?”

  Chance shrugged. “Just giving Carter some firefighting tips.”

  Shane frowned.

  “It’s okay,” said Carter. “It’s going to be okay.”

  He looked down again. His hat wasn’t going to be okay, it’d never be the same again, and it was Summer’s favorite, but he couldn’t help wringing it in his hands. Now he wasn’t just worried about Al, he was worried about what Chance might do—and what kind of trouble he might get himself into.

  Chapter Four

  Between them, they had the fire under control by the time the fire crew arrived. Mason looked around. There’d be no saving the barn; that was for sure. It was weird that the worst of the fire had taken hold of the roof at the north end of the building while the walls in the south-west corner had burned from the ground up, almost as though there had been two independent fires to start with. That didn’t make any sense. Hopefully, the fire crew would be able to give them a better idea. Mason just hoped it wasn’t caused by electrical wiring. Al’s place was old, and he hadn’t had any spare money for upgrades or repairs in years. If the wiring out here in the barn could start a fire, then Mason didn’t trust it in the house either. Al would have to come and stay with them. Or maybe in one of Shane’s cabin’s. They’d think of something.