Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) Read online
Page 16
Smoke hugged her close, wanting to reassure her. “It's okay, lady. I get it. Believe me, I get it.” She'd just described how he felt, the way he justified never getting involved with a woman outside of her bed. He wasn't prepared to give up who he was or what he wanted for someone else either.
They sat in silence for a while. Each lost in their own thoughts, fingers still entwined.
“I do get it, Laura, because for the longest time I've felt the same way. I don't want to be with someone if it means I have to stop being who I am in order to do so. Like I told you, I've always thought that there had to be a loser. Do you want to know what I've been wondering lately, though?”
“What?” she didn't look at him, just kept her eyes fixed straight ahead.
“I've been wondering if maybe it's not true. Maybe two people can get together and both keep being who they are, and doing what they do. Maybe that can work...and work well.”
She shook her head. “Maybe in sappy romance novels, but not in my experience.”
He laughed. “Not in mine either, and I don't read sappy romance novels. But just look around this place. Take last night, for example. Look at the people we were with. Jack and Emma. They're both still doing what they want to. She's still writing, he's still running Phoenix. They've made a few adjustments, but only in ways that suit them as individuals. She wanted out of the city, he wanted to slow his schedule down. They both got what they wanted, and so much more, by being together.”
Laura nodded. “I guess so.”
“Then there's Pete and Holly. Same thing. She still has her store, goes to her fashion shows. Pete's still running Phoenix, traveling as much as he needs to. Spending more time with his folks. And now they get a life up here and each other too. And Dan and Missy? He got the family he didn't know he needed and escaped the golden handcuffs he'd locked himself into. Missy got a whole new life and didn't have to give up anything of herself, cos Dan just loves who she is. In fact she gets to be more of herself because Dan needs who she is. Even little Scot got a dad out of that deal. And Dan gets to be more of himself because of it.”
“So what are you saying?” She still wasn't looking at him.
“I'm saying that maybe there doesn't have to be such a compromise of self. Doesn't have to be a winner and a loser. If you're with the right person.”
She was quiet as she leaned against him, nestling closer under his arm. When she finally met his gaze, her eyes were big, serious and scared, too. “I'd like to believe that, Smoke.”
He nodded. So would he. But he still wasn't sure he did.
Smoke held her hand tight as they walked through the terminal. Considering he was supposed to be the guy who flew away at the first sign of anything heavy, he was doing a lot of hand-holding. She smiled to herself. And considering she was supposed to be the girl who couldn't stand men holding on to her, she was doing a lot of smiling about how hands on he was being. They'd had such a wonderful weekend. They'd had dinner and hung out at the cabin last night. Made love and slept in each other’s arms. Made love some more before going for breakfast with the gang this morning. Well, most of the gang, no one had seen Ben since Friday night. Laura hoped he was okay.
Smoke had flown her back to San Francisco and left the plane at General Aviation. He booked them a cab to take them to the commercial terminal and now here they were. He was pulling her case and holding her hand. She smiled again, wishing Leanne could see him now. This would shut her up!
“You are going to call me to let me know you got to your hotel, right?” he asked.
She had to laugh. “I'll send you an email. It'll be four o'clock in the morning here when I land.”
He stopped walking, causing people to have to swerve around them in all directions. He didn't seem to notice, he was too busy fixing her with a dark look. “I don't care. I'm not going to sleep ‘til I know you're there safe. So call me when you get checked in, okay?”
She pursed her lips. “Seriously?”
He nodded. She could see the smile lurking behind the scowl. “I'll track your flight, I'll know when you've landed safe, but until you call me I won't know that you're okay. And that you haven't picked up some Englishman on the plane.”
Wow! He was only half joking. “Do you want to just come with me to make sure I don't?”
“If I didn't have to fly, I would!”
She laughed and planted a kiss on his lips. “You know I'm not going to be picking anyone up, let alone an Englishman on a plane.”
“You'd better not, lady!” He hugged her to him. “You are all mine and you'd better remember it, okay?”
She smiled into his neck as she hugged him back. He meant it! She felt like she should be freaked by it, but she loved it. “I'll remember, but you do surprise me. I thought I'd be in for a more Smoke-like send off? You know, waving me off then on to find the next one?”
“That was the old Smoke. The new Smoke doesn't want a next one. He wants you. And Cole wants you too. And I did warn you,” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. “I'm a jealous possessive jerk!”
She laughed. “So how many guys am I dealing with here? There's Smoke, who's no saint, Cole who is a rather elusive mystery, then there's the jealous possessive jerk. Is there anyone else I need to know about?”
He shook his head. “Nope. That's all of me. And you are getting to know Cole, you already know him better than most people do. Give him time, he's a good guy.”
That made her smile.
He cupped her face between his hands and nipped her lips. He didn't care that people continued to mill around where they stood in the middle of the concourse. “The one you need to worry about for now is the jealous possessive jerk. Even he wishes you a great a trip, but he needs to know you'll still be his when you get back.”
She nodded.
“Good. Then let's get you checked in and on your way.”
Once her bag was checked and she had her ticket in hand he walked her to the security line. “Okay, lady. This is me gone. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Enjoy yourself. Knock ’em dead with your designs. I know you will.”
“Thanks, Smoke. And I will call you when I get to the hotel.”
“Thanks. I'll be here waiting to meet you when you land.”
“You will?”
“Yeah.” He grinned at her now. “I want to.”
She grinned back. “Then I’ll look forward to it.”
He brushed his lips over hers and she clung to him for just a moment.
“See you Saturday then. I'm going to go through now. I'm not good at long goodbyes.”
There was no mistaking the relief on his face. “Me neither. See you soon.” He gave her one last brief kiss and disappeared into the crowd.
She joined the long line to pass through security with a big smile on her face.
Chapter Sixteen
“I'll go ahead and send all three offers when I get back to the office, then.”
Smoke shook the realtor's hand. “Thanks. And see what you can do to move it along? I'd like to close as soon as you can pull it together. What I don't want to do is close on the house if I don't get the others.”
The realtor nodded. “I understand where you're coming from, Mr. Hamilton, but I'm not sure you need to worry. There's no way to build anything that could obstruct your views and the parcel to the south has been in the same family for decades. I doubt they would sell to a developer.”
Smoke looked at the man and shook his head. “I want all three properties together, or none of them. You could be right, but I don't do well with uncertainties. You doubt that family would sell to a developer. I prefer to guarantee it and the only way to do that is to buy it myself. That parcel is the only buffer between this house and the new development at Four Mile Creek. It's not unusual for further construction to happen around a Phoenix development to serve the new residents. I don't want any of that on my doorstep.” He smiled now. “So go make the of
fers. You'll be looking at three commissions instead of one.”
The realtor smiled. “Don't worry, I'm aware of that! I was trying to look out for your interests instead of my own.”
“Thanks, Austin.” He shook the guy’s hand. “I appreciate it. But I'm more interested in having a peaceful spread of land than how much I'll need to spend to get it. So, make it happen.”
Austin grinned. “Will do, Mr. Hamilton. I'll get back down to town and get straight on it. Are you ready to leave, or do you want to look around some more?”
“I think I'll stay a while. I want to check a few things out, if that's okay?”
“Of course. You know what to do with the key. I'll be in touch as soon as I have anything to report.”
“Sounds good.”
Smoke watched the car to the end of the driveway until it turned the corner and disappeared from sight. He grinned and turned back to the house. He liked the place. It felt good, right somehow. Which was really weird. He was the guy who was always 'just passing through.' He never stuck around a place long enough to get attached to it, let alone put down roots. But there was something about Summer Lake. It was a good place. He had good friends here. For the first time he felt like he could stop running, be still for a while and maybe even build a life here. He shook his head. It was so out of character for him it should be worrying, but instead it made him smile.
He knew one person who would smile if she knew what he was thinking. At least she'd smile after the shock had worn off. It had been too long, he should call her anyway. For everything that had happened, he still loved her, still missed her. And things had been getting better between them for a while now. Calling her with this kind of news could only help that along. He went to sit on the swing on the front porch to look out at what he hoped would soon be his view.
He pulled his phone out and hit the speed dial. Even that was progress. For a few years he'd had this number blocked. He listened to it ring, hoping she would pick up.
“Cole? Is that you?”
He laughed. “Who else would be calling you from my phone?”
“Oh, darling it's just such a lovely surprise! How are you?”
“I'm good, Mom. How are you?”
“Everything is the same here. Everyone's fine. What's going on with you? We'd love to see you sometime.”
He smiled. He wanted to see her too. He was glad that they were getting closer again. It had been tough in the beginning, after all those years of hardly speaking. But the last few months things were getting better, more natural.
“I thought you'd like to know that I'm about to put in an offer on a house.”
“Oh, my goodness! Where? Why? How? You mean a house to actually live in, or an investment?”
He smiled to himself. She sounded shocked and thrilled at the same time. “Let's see, I'll try to answer one at a time. The 'where' is Summer Lake, where Jack and Pete and are based. The why I'm still trying to figure out, Mom. I'm not sure I know myself. Just that, it's a good place. The guys are here, and I don't know just feels right. From which you probably gathered that I mean a house to actually live in. To make a home.”
“Darling, that's wonderful! And you'll be so close, perhaps we'll see more of you if you move there? You know we'd love that.”
She tried so hard to never ask him outright to come visit, but he knew she was hoping to see him. “That's why I called. I thought I might stop by on Friday, stay the night if you don't mind. I have to pick up a passenger in San Francisco on Saturday morning.”
“That would be wonderful! And don't worry, I'll tell your father that I want you all to ourselves. I won't let him invite the hordes.”
“Thanks, Mom. I'll call you before I leave. There shouldn't be any hitches, but I'll call you if I need to fly, okay?”
“Of course. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.”
“Well, I'll see you Friday then.”
“I hope so. Love you, darling.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
As he hung up he stared out at the lake. They really had come a long way. It seemed like everything was changing for the better. The scars of the past were healing. Now he had to decide what he wanted the future to look like. He looked around. With any luck, this house would become his home. That would do for starters. He was reshaping his career, too. Bringing Jason on board to take over some of the Phoenix schedule would be a big change. Not as big as going back to instructing, though. He was pretty sure now that he wasn't going to get involved in any of the long haul gigs that the New York plane was scheduled for. Not so long ago he'd loved that life. Traveling the world, living out of a suitcase. He'd thought he might give it another go, but when it came down to it, he'd been there, done that. It was a young man's game.
He pressed his lips together. When it came down to it, he wanted to build a home. As long it could be a base and not a burden, he might just be happy here. Especially if Laura was going to move up here. He liked that idea. He liked it a lot. He didn't think he was turning his back on the long haul because of her, was he? He shrugged. Even if he was, it was because he wanted to. Not because she'd asked him to. Or would ever ask him to. He understood that about her. She would never ask him to give anything up in order to be with her. Just as he would never ask her to give anything up to be with him. He wouldn't ask her, but he selfishly hoped that her plans would involve moving up here. He looked at his phone. He couldn't call her. It would be midnight over there by now. She had called him when she arrived, just like she said she would. She'd sounded tired. She'd be fast asleep by now. He hoped. He hated to think of her out, in London with who knew who?
He stood up. Time to take another look around. He didn't need to be thinking like that. He'd only drive himself nuts. She was just as into him as he was into her, he knew that. He frowned, though. She was just as scared and confused about where they could go with it, too. He'd text her tomorrow. Wish her luck with her meetings.
Laura looked around as they stepped out of the Levy store. So this was the famed Jewellery Quarter. It was like stepping backing in time. Of course she knew about Hatton Garden, but actually being here was something else. This had been the diamond district of the UK since medieval times. This place was known worldwide. Some of the world's wealthiest people came here to have bespoke pieces made by some of the world's greatest jewelers. She smiled: and now she was here.
So far London had not lived up to its gray and dreary reputation; the weather was beautiful. Colin took her arm as they stepped out into the sunshine. Laura wanted to shrug him off, but forced herself to smile. He was a nice enough guy, good looking in a quiet, British kind of way. Bookish, that's what he was. Actually he was very much her type, or would have been before she met Smoke.
“We're so glad you're here, Laura. I hope you found today informative.”
Had she ever! Colin had taken her through how they operated and what they hoped she would contribute. Apparently they did this every couple of years, found a new designer they liked and showcased their work with a new line that they marketed the heck out of. The idea was that the designer, and of course Levy, would build a new following. The hope was that amongst that following would be some wealthy clients who liked the new line, but wanted bespoke pieces made. It was a great strategy. Laura could see how it worked so well.
“Very informative. And very pleasant. Thank you.”
Colin had been a real sweetheart, showing her around, explaining how they liked to run things and why. He'd talked her through the history of the business...well it was his family history. His father, Mr. Levy Sr. was still the head honcho, but Colin was being groomed to take over in the next year or two.
He smiled at her. “You are very welcome. I hope you will do me the honor of having a drink with me? Since it's your first evening here, we left your schedule clear in case you're feeling jet-lagged and would prefer to rest. However, I do hope you'll at least feel up to a quickie before you need to sleep.”
/> Laura had to bite back a giggle. She'd love a quickie before she went to sleep, but it would be with a big American pilot, not a bookish British jeweler. She must be jet-lagged. She was six thousand miles away from that pilot and she still couldn't get him out of her head. She realized Colin was looking at her hopefully. It would be rude not to go.
“Thank you. I'd love to.”
Colin smiled. “Great. There's a place just around the corner. Another Hatton Garden landmark, it's called the Bleeding Heart.”
Laura bit back another giggle. What was it with these Brits? They liked to call their pubs such weird names!
Once they were settled at a little table in the corner, Colin raised his glass to her. “Here's to our new ventures. To the beginning of a very long, and mutually beneficial, partnership.”
She raised her glass. “Cheers.” She certainly hoped so.
“I talked to Father again before you arrived. We've decided that we would very much like to buy your San Francisco store. It would be perfect for us.”
Laura swallowed, hard. She'd been hoping for this, but there had been no mention of it in any of their meetings today. Strange that he should wait to bring it up now. But hey, it was what she wanted.
Apparently he sensed her hesitation. “I believe it would be beneficial for you too. To not have the retail responsibilities? It will free you to travel more. In fact....” He smiled at her over his pint glass before taking a drink.