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  • Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) Page 14

Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) Read online

Page 14

  She picked up her phone.

  I'll be at the airport at 5.

  Hopefully he'd see her text when he landed.

  He must have landed already because by the time she'd put her bags in the back of the car her phone buzzed.

  I thought I was coming to SEE you before we go?

  Her heart sank a little at that. Was that really all this was about? She needed to know.

  I want to 'see' you. You can SEE any woman you want.

  Do you want to 'see' me – or just SEE me?

  She stood next to the car, waiting for his response to tell her whether there was any point getting in.

  I missed you. I want to 'see' you.

  We can stop SEEING each other if u want?

  But you are the only one I want to SEE.

  She stared at her phone, wondering how, or if she should respond. It buzzed again.

  Come to the airport? Let's talk about it? Please?

  That made her smile.

  On my way.


  Smoke sat on one of the benches outside the FBO, wondering what was bothering her. He had been in a cab, on his way to her place when he'd got her text. Twenty minutes ago he'd been on his way to SEE her, he'd had a major hard-on, and had thought he was about to put it to very good use. Now he was sitting out here. He wasn't angry, he had no desire to turn around and fly away. What he was feeling was concern. He was concerned that something must have rattled her, and concerned that she might have decided to run. Now that he understood she was just as likely to do that as he had always been, it made him nervous. He didn't want to do or say anything that would make her feel trapped—make her feel the need to escape from him. What Pete had told him had helped him understand some of her reactions—and left him mystified about others. He hadn't called her all week, even though he'd had his phone in his hand ready to—several times a day, every day. He'd thought it best to give her space; she'd call him if she wanted to, but she hadn't. And now this. He shrugged, he'd find out soon enough.

  He watched her Audi pull into the parking lot and his throat went dry. Such a strange reaction, but he was getting used to it. It couldn't be purely physical. He already knew she didn't want to have sex with him. The pressure was back in his pants, begging to differ with him on that one. He pursed his lips as he stood to go meet her. For once he was prepared to do some serious thinking about a woman—using the head on his shoulders.

  She was getting her bag out of the back of the car by the time he reached her. Damn, did she really have to present him with that ass, and those legs, and yet another pair of sexy heels? He adjusted his pants, unable to tear his eyes away. She turned around and smiled at him. Now it was her face he couldn't tear his eyes away from. She was even more beautiful than he remembered.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”


  Hmm. This could be serious. There was none of the fun or laughter in her eyes that he'd grown to love. Grown to what? Not going anywhere near that thought. He may as well dive in and find out what the score was. She might not even be coming back with him. No. He wasn't prepared to accept that as an option.

  “Can I least get a hug?” he asked cautiously. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her, pick up right where they'd left off on Monday morning. But for the first time he felt uncertain about whether she would want him to.

  She nodded and stepped into his outstretched arms. He felt her relax as he closed them around her. He relaxed a little himself. Whatever was going on in her mind, her body felt happy to be next his again. He rested his forehead against hers and looked into her eyes. Some of the light was coming back. He smiled; it was going to be okay. Her arms came up around his neck, her hands on the back of his head, pulling him to her. She nipped his bottom lip, then laughed, the sound of it chasing away the last of his caution. Backing her up against the car, he took her face between his hands and bit her lips before tilting her head back, slanting his mouth over hers to give him full access. Their tongues danced together, asking questions, giving answers, challenging and conceding. Her body melted against him when he stepped it up, demanding, possessing, because there was something about her that did that to him. He had to know she was his and only his, and her kiss gave him the answer he needed, surrendering to him. The last of his tension ebbed away as he kissed her. This was what had had him concerned; now he had his answer. Whatever was in her head, she was still his and, on some instinctive level, they both knew it.

  He chose when that kiss ended, and it wasn't until he was sure that they'd told each other everything they needed to that way. The conversation would happen, he had no doubt, but words tended to get complicated, the heavy stuff made him shut down. This kiss, however, would see him through that, because whatever words might be exchanged, he already had his answers. She was confused, but she wanted him. She was scared, but she wasn't ready, or able, to walk away. They were still on the same page.

  She looked dazed when he smiled down at her.

  “Was there something you wanted to talk about?” he asked,

  “I think we just did.”

  He smiled. “I got almost all the answers I need.”

  The laughter was back in her eyes. “What do you still need to know, Smoke?”

  “I need to know what happens now. Do you still want to come with me? Would you rather I take you for dinner here and then go home and leave you to your weekend? Or....”

  “I still want to go with you, if you still want to take me?”

  He couldn't resist teasing her. “Oh, I want to take you, lady. I'll always want to do that. But apparently you're not up for it anymore. So instead I shall simply invite you to come spend the weekend with me. No sex, no obligation.” He pressed his lips together to keep the smile away. The look of disappointment on her face was the perfect confirmation of everything her kiss had told him. Maybe not having sex could be fun too.


  As Smoke taxied off the runway and towards the hangars at Summer Lake, Laura watched the mountains grow dark. She was starting to love this place. She already loved flying in here, looking out for the lake as they flew over the mountains. Seeing it appear, shining like a fragment of broken mirror way, way below them, then watching it grow bigger and bigger as they descended. The way the mountains that looked so small rose up to meet them, and then huddled around them like protective giants once they were on the ground. Her mind strayed back to the house they'd looked at last weekend. That would be something—to buy that place and work from there. She'd have the little store at Four Mile whenever they got done building it. Smoke's voice filled her head through her headset.

  “Would you like to have dinner at the resort with everyone?”

  She turned to look at him. She'd assumed they'd be going to the cabin, by themselves.

  He was giving her that wicked grin of his. “No sex, remember?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, but said nothing. He was enjoying this way too much. They'd agreed that they needed to talk, but that it was better to wait until they got up here to do so. She was hardly going to say anything while he was flying and he'd said if they were going to leave they'd have to be quick about it. There was a weather front coming through and they'd have to get out ahead of it.

  Now she had a feeling he was going to play this for all it was worth and make her regret ever having implied that he only wanted her for sex. Just being around him again reassured her that wasn't true. And the way he'd kissed her in the parking lot? That had told her so much more than words ever could!

  “I think we probably should, don't you?”

  He shrugged innocently. “I said we might stop in, but I'm sure no-one really expects us to join them. We could go home and...just talk.”

  “You know damned well that's not what I mean, you wicked man,” she said with a laugh. “I think we should go out for dinner with the gang, because the minute we are alone you are going to torment me and make me pay for doubting your intentions. Aren't yo

  Smoke shut down the engines and took his headset off. He waited until she'd taken hers off then put his hand on her thigh as he unfastened her belt for her. “You still have such a low opinion of me don't you, lady? It's just that I understand your concerns and would like to do my best to prove you wrong.”

  Just the feel of his hand had her wanting him. And he knew it. This was going to be torture!

  She followed him out of the cockpit and waited as he let down the steps. “Dinner at the resort it is then. I hope the band is playing ’til really, really late.”

  He grinned at her. “Me too. Dancing will be fun.”

  She tried to glower at him, but she couldn't help laughing.


  The band was playing when they got there, and the place was packed. Laura had thought it might be quieter since the summer season was definitely over, but it seemed that Ben had managed to build a regular base of weekend visitors that came year round. Of course there were plenty of locals, too. She spotted the gang. They were sitting inside tonight, having pushed a couple of the high top tables together to make room for everyone.

  “Hey you two!” shouted Pete. “Glad you decided to come, we saved you a couple of seats.” His lips quirked up in a knowing smile as he shook Smoke's hand. Laura had to wonder what that was about.

  “I thought you were going to London this weekend?” Missy was looking at her, puzzled.

  “Not ’til Sunday night. I wanted to come up here first.”

  Smoke caught her eye and shook his head with the briefest flash of that evil smile. Oh, God. She hoped he wasn't saying he wasn't going to make her come up here. She was so over her doubts and all she really wanted was to get back to the cabin with him.

  He pulled out a stool for her to sit, then leaned against the back of it, standing close enough that she could feel the heat of his body. He really was planning on tormenting her. He rested his arms against the back, and leaned his head over her shoulder, making her body heat up with need. At the same time he was making it clear to everyone that the two of them were together.

  Emma smiled at her. “You will be back in time for the fundraiser won't you? I'm so excited that we're all going!”

  Laura nodded. “I will. I'm looking forward to it too.” She felt Smoke lean a little closer—apparently so was he. She looked around for, Ben, wanting to ask him about Leanne. She hoped they would have a good time together, but was concerned that Leanne might be a bit much for him—she was such a strong personality. She couldn't see him anywhere.

  “Hey, Dan. Leanne sends her best. She came into the store the other day and we had coffee.”

  Dan grinned. “I must call her. Did she tell you she's coming to the fundraiser, too?”

  “Yep, she's excited.” Laura didn't know if the others knew about the plan with Ben, so she didn't mention it.

  Jack looked at Smoke. “And you're really not flying that night?”

  Laura turned to look up at him. She was surprised when he rested a hand on her shoulder. “No. I'm not working it. I'm bringing my lady.”

  He certainly knew how to go for effect! Her three girlfriends grinned happily at her while Jack and Pete both looked at Smoke in shock.

  Michael stepped in to fill the silence. “Blimey, guys. Don't look at him like that. So, he wants the night off to focus on his girl instead of playing air taxi for you.” He winked at Laura. “It's hardly surprising!”

  Laura was liking him more all the time. “What about you?” she asked. “Are you coming?”

  He hung his head and looked out at them sideways. “Nah. Nobody loves me, darl'. Just call me Cinders. I'll stay home, all alone, while you all go to the ball.”

  Missy gave him a push. “Michael Morgan! Stop going for the sympathy vote. If you'd stop putting moves on women that are already spoken for and try finding one of your own then you could come too! There's still time.”

  Michael laughed. “Not for me there's not. I'm destined to remain forever alone. I never get the girl. I just act as a catalyst to help other guys get it together.” He grinned at Dan, then looked up at Smoke. “Isn't that right, mates?”

  Ben appeared at that moment and sat down next to Michael. “Sorry guys. Seems that everything that can go wrong is going wrong tonight. How's everyone doing? What am I missing out on?”

  Michael looked at him. “We're missing out on this big party they're all going to, mate. Unless we can find a couple of hot chicks to invite.”

  Missy laughed. “Ben's not missing out, it's just you.”

  Ben grinned. “Yeah, Dan already set me up, with a stunner apparently.”

  Michael shook his head and gave an exaggerated sigh. “What did I tell you? Just call me Cinders.” He looked at Dan, “And with all I've done for you, you didn't find me one?”

  Dan laughed. Laura loved seeing the way he'd come out of his shell so much since he'd started coming up here. “Sorry, Michael. Bad timing I guess. Although,” he looked at Missy, “isn't that when your friend is going to be in LA? We could invite her as Michael's guest?”

  Laura was surprised at the look Missy gave Dan. It seemed she didn't like the idea one bit.

  “Which friend?” asked Emma.

  It was obvious Missy really was not happy about this. Instead of looking at Emma when she spoke, she looked directly at Ben. “Charlotte is coming over from England. We're planning to meet up.”

  Talk about a bombshell! Laura had no idea what it was all about, but all the color drained from Ben's face. Emma and Pete were both looking at him with a mixture of panic and sympathy and Missy looked like she might cry. “I'm sorry, hon. I was going to tell you.”

  Michael looked at Ben, apparently trying to make him smile. “No need to look like that, mate. I'll trade you. I'll take your stunner and you can take Charlotte.”

  Ben stood up. “You know,” he looked at Dan. “That's a better idea. Let Michael take Leanne. I'll probably end up getting stuck here with something anyway and not be able to make it. I'd better go check on the kitchen.” He turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving them all staring after him.

  Pete looked at Missy. “Are you going after him, or should I?”

  Missy was already on her feet. “I'll go. I was going to get him on his own and tell him, I just haven't had a chance yet.”

  Dan looked miserable. “I'm sorry, Miss, I had no idea.”

  Laura's heart melted a little, seeing the way Missy reassured him with a hug. “It's not your fault, Danny. You couldn't have known. I'll be back.” She went after Ben. She may only be tiny, but she parted the crowd like Moses in her determination.

  “Is he okay?” Holly asked Pete.

  “He will be.”

  Pete looked at Emma. “Did you know she was coming?”

  “Miss had mentioned a while ago that she might be over this fall. We'd talked about maybe getting together in the city. She was hardly going to come up here.”

  Pete nodded.

  Michael looked around. “So I guess I screwed up there! I thought he'd be glad to take Charlotte.”

  Emma shook her head. “You missed a lot after you left for Australia.”

  “Yeah, I gathered! What's the deal? ”

  “She's married,” said Pete.


  “Are you sure?” asked Dan. “Missy didn't mention a husband coming. Just that Charlotte was.”

  Emma nodded sadly. “Oh, he'll be coming.”

  “So what's the story?” asked Jack “Is anyone going to explain it to those of us who didn't grow up here?”

  Pete shook his head. “Not me. It's Ben's story. It's up to him if and when it gets told.”

  Laura listened to the exchange, hoping that Ben was okay, and that Missy would talk him into coming to the fundraiser anyway.

  Chapter Fourteen

  They left the pickup in the square and took the waterfront path back to the cabin. Smoke slung an arm around her shoulders as they walked. She smiled up at him.

“I feel so bad for Ben. I don't know what the story is, but he looked devastated.”

  Smoke nodded. “Poor guy. It sucks when the past sneaks up on you out of the blue like that.”

  “That sounds like the voice of experience?”

  “It is.” He really did not want to go there right now, even though he knew that if he was going to keep seeing Laura, he'd have to someday.

  “But you don't want to talk about it, right?”

  “Right.” They walked on in silence. His arm tightened around her shoulders. “We'll get around to it, gorgeous, but not tonight, huh?”

  She nodded. “You're right, not tonight. Seeing the way Ben looked, I don't feel like opening up old wounds either.”

  “So, are you going to tell me your story someday, too?”

  She nodded. “It looks like that's where we're headed, doesn't it? But we can do it when we're ready.”

  Smoke stopped walking and took her face between his hands, kissing her deeply. When they came up for air she was breathless, but looked puzzled. “What was that for?”

  He planted a kiss on her forehead and took her hand as he started walking again. “Just for being you.”

  The smile on her face had his chest buzzing with that happy feeling again. She wasn't like any other woman he'd ever known. Well, he hadn't really known many, other than physically. In fact he'd only really known one. And Laura was sure as hell turning out to be nothing like her. He was starting to think that maybe Pete was right. That everything he had thought a woman wanted and needed was based on Anabel's twisted ideas, and not on reality.

  When they got to the cabin, he unlocked his door and let Laura step in ahead of him. He couldn't help but watch her ass sway as she walked down the hallway in those heels. He took a deep breath and adjusted his pants before following her. He wasn't going to have sex with her again until she begged him. He knew she would. Part of it was about making her pay. He'd already done so much for her that he'd never done for a woman before. Part of him resented that she couldn't see that, and was hurt that she could doubt his motives. Another part of him understood completely and wanted to reassure her. He could satisfy both those parts by making her want him so badly she would beg for it. Then he would thoroughly satisfy her—and himself—and the issue would be settled.